This pet project aims to automate the process of shopping groceries in, by imitation your previous shopping patterns. To fill your next basket, you just type:
pipenv run python robot/
Dig into the source code if you want to learn more about the algorithm(s) used for next basket prediction in this project.
To list previous orders, add products to basket, etc. the robot uses a non-advertised REST API discovered by inspecting network traffic while using the website.
The api
directory in this repo provides a thin API client based on Requests. It is built for the shopping robot, but could be used in other automation projects as well.
I might just be the only person lazy enough to need automated grocery shopping. If this is not the case, and you actually give this robot a try, I would love to hear from you.
Open an issue if you have feedback or ⭐ the repo just to let me know that you are out there!