All notable changes to filament-umami-widgets
will be documented in this file.
Bug: Ofcourse we have to use the max value getting the timeout :) (noticed by Lmtc 🙏🏻) Fixed: Add limitResults to the Grouped Geo Table
Typo squashing and adding inspiration
Fixed bug in BaseTableWidget
- added websiteEvents Widget
- chartwidget headers disappearing
- deduplication of code for abstract baseWidget classes
Fixed small bug in default filter
Format date option added to graph widgets
Added Chart Widgets
- Pageviews (\Schmeits\FilamentUmami\Widgets\UmamiWidgetGraphPageViews::class)
- Sessions (\Schmeits\FilamentUmami\Widgets\UmamiWidgetGraphSessions::class)
Forgot Widget use in WidgetManager
Added Widgetmanager to register the Widgets to be used on other pages
Added some Table Widgets
- UmamiWidgetTableTitle
- UmamiWidgetTableUrls
- UmamiWidgetTableCountry
- UmamiWidgetTableRegion
- UmamiWidgetTableCity
- UmamiWidgetTableDevice
- UmamiWidgetTableOs
- UmamiWidgetTableBrowser
- UmamiWidgetTableLanguage
- UmamiWidgetTableScreen
- UmamiWidgetTableEvents
- UmamiWidgetTableQuery
- UmamiWidgetTableGroupedPages
- UmamiWidgetTableGroupedGeo
- UmamiWidgetTableGroupedClientInfo
Added limiting to table widgets
Dutch translations
- initial release