An implementation of a simple ATM controller with its test codes, as a custom task sample project.
- You can clone project from this GitHub repository as you wish.
- Project language is Python 3+
- '' has all of the features requested, but have no specific entry point.
'' has an entry point like a driver class, and this is a presumed way to start the integrated system.- Currently, only test codes are prepared, and driver class/module is not working.
- 'test/' is a test code based on Python 'unittest' module. You can run a test with this file.(also has entry point)
- There are four stages given, and corresponding actions are required for each stage.
Insert Card => PIN number => Select Account => See Balance/Deposit/Withdraw
- Only dollars are counted; data type for money/balance will be an integer type.
- It is unnecessary to implement or to try integration with real ATM machine(hardware) and core banking system parts; but keep in mind that the jobs would be done in the future.
- There's a 'bank API' provided to examine that the PIN number is correct.
- It is allowed to simplify some complex problems, and the development of core structure of ATM software and corresponding tests are main goal of this project.
- First of all, requirements seemed to be simple. The work flow is quite straight forward, so it would be easy to describe it into finite states.
- The controller has a 'Session', which is a kind of lifecycle for each use case.
- Concerning single thread program. The controller basically has the context(main-thread), and call hardware input if necessary.(blocking operation)
- For integrity of the controller, both 'bank API' and 'hardware driver' are referenced by the controller, not vice versa.
- This may disable both hardware and software interruptions in real world situations; but let's keep it simple.
- How can I get accounts when PIN number is correct? -> Assuming that there's an another bank API that I can retrieve those accounts.
- It would be better with async control in real example, but for simplification and easy testing, the technique is renounced.