ℹ️ Debonair is an all in one, across the board and automatic installer for helpful tools.
Clone the project files and cd into the directory:
git clone https://github.com/secretum-inc/debonair && cd debonair
python3 init.py
Information Gathering
Vulnerability Scanner/Analysis
Web hacking
Database Assessment
Password Attacks
Wireless Attacks
Reverse Engineering
Exploitation Tools
Sniffing & Spoofing
Reporting Tools
Forensic Tools
Stress Testing
Linux Distos
Termux Utility
Shell Function [.bashrc]
CLI Games
Malware Analysis
Social Engineering Tools
Type debonair
or dbnr
from anywhere in your terminal
💡 Each number represents a specific output.
💡 Type the number corresponding number to a tool you want to install.
• Python 3.6+
• quo 2021.×
If you run into an issue, we would be very happy if you would file a bug on the issue tracker. You can also contribute by adding more tools by creating a pull request
Debonair is licensed under BSD-3-Clause License. See the LICENSE
file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.
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