It parses the output of go test
and gives back the list of errors in the orignal order, groupped by file and grouped by message.
Please see the main function doing the above mentioned analisys.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val defaultFile = "src/test/resources/fileman-go-test.log"
val file = args.headOption.getOrElse(defaultFile)
val input = Source.fromFile(file).bufferedReader()
val result = parse(input)
result foreach println
println(s"Number of failing asserts: ${result.size}")
result.groupBy(_.file).map {
case (file, list) => (file,
result.filterNot(_.message.startsWith("expected")).groupBy(_.message).map {
case (message, list) => (message, => s"${et.file}.go:${et.line}"))
}.toList.sortBy(_._1).reverse.foreach {
case (message, fileLineList) =>
Also see the simplicity of the grammar below. It parses all the information except the name of the tests. The grammar below is mostly in Backus Naur Form, BNF for short.
If you are curious about the parsing of the name of the tests, please see the actual implementation.
override protected val whiteSpace = """[ \t]+""".r
def fileContent = repsep(line, endOfLine) ^^ {
list => list.collect { case et: ErrorTrace => et }
def line = errorWithTrace | notErrorTrace | emptyLine
def errorWithTrace = errorTrace ~ endOfLine ~ error ~ endOfLine ~ notErrorTrace ^^ {
case et ~ _ ~ e ~ _ ~ m => et.copy(error = e, message = m)
def errorTrace = "Error Trace:" ~> ident ~ ".go:" ~ decimalNumber ^^ {
case file ~ _ ~ line => ErrorTrace(file, line.toInt, null, null)
def error = "Error:" ~> "[^ ]([^ :]| )*".r <~ ":"
def notErrorTrace = ".+".r
def emptyLine = ""
def endOfLine = "\n"