Tvdb API for easy asynchronous API requests on Android.
All TvdbApi calls are asynchronous, so you will need to create listeners to receive responses
private Response.Listener<Collection<Series>> mSeriesResponseListener = new Response.Listener<Collection<Series>>() {
public void onResponse(Collection<Series> serieses) {
for(Series series : serieses) {
Log.d(TAG, "I found a series: " +;
private Response.ErrorListener mErrorListener = new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) {
Log.e(TAG, "Oh noes! Something has gone awry: ", volleyError);
Then just create the TvdbApi object and make your request:
TvdbApi tvdbApi = new TvdbApi("<YOUR TVDB API KEY>", "en", mRequestQueue);
tvdbApi.searchSeries("Futurama", mSeriesResponseListener, mErrorListener);
Take a look at the example project for a more thorough demonstration
As it is set up, it will only build with gradle. Sorry, ant/eclipse users :(. If you're using Android Studio that will work since it uses gradle.
First, get an API key from
Then, clone the project
git clone
Create a file, following the example file
If you're using Android Studio, import the project make sure you use import from external model: Gradle
Edit com.sburba.tvdbapi.example.App and replace <YOUR API KEY>
with your api key.
./gradlew assembleDebug
or run using Android Studio
If you're having problems building or adding to your project don't be afraid to contact me.
First clone the project
git clone
Run ./gradlew installArchives
in the root of the cloned project
In your project add mavenLocal() to your root build.gradle's list of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
In your module add compile com.sburba:tvdbapi:1.0.0
to the dependencies
Thanks to Github User bigno for helping me diagnose a few issues with banner and actor parsing!