- This project has been developed to create a personal currency portfolio. The user can trade on the current exchange rate and can easily follow his personal portfolio on the chart.
- In addition, users can follow up-to-date prominent economic news and exchange instant exchange rates without logging in to the page.
- After logging in to the page, the users can trade in the language they want with German or English language options.
- ReactJS
- Bootsrap 5
- Styled Components
- React-Router-Dom
- Local Storage
- Playwright test
For transition between routes
- react-transtion-group used for cool transition effect when change the routes
For table
- react-table used for handle checked rows on table
For Charts
- react-charts used for create doughnut chart
For the stocks data, these API are used:
- exchangerate used for fetching price details for every currency
- ExchangeRate used for fetching price details for every currency.
- Turuncgil used for fetching price details for every currency.
- CNBC used for fetching last news about finance,economy
For translation home page,
- i18next-scanner used for translation from English to Deutsch