Covid-19 vaccine-notifier periodically checks and notifies for available slots for the next 7 days on CoWIN portal in a given area and age.
Python is a programming language that is powerful but easy to learn. It is free, platform-independent, and popular among scientists.
The Anaconda Python distribution is an easily-installable bundle of Python and many of the libraries used throughout this class. Unless you have a good reason not to, we recommend that you use Anaconda.
Clone the repository. using ! Git Clone
The tool only works with Indian IP addresses so disconnect your VPN if needed.
Enter the command - cd covid-19 vaccine notifier/
Install all the dependencies - ! pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run Anaconda Promt (Run as Administrator) From Start Menu.
Go to your Directory Eg cd C:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\pycharm\2021\Cowin\covid-19 vaccine notifier