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Minecraft server CLI for Agones GameServers
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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Author

About The Project

This application was built to run as a sidecar container alongside Minecraft server in an Agones GameServer Pod to integrate it with the Agones SDK and assist with lifecycle management, health checking, world loading and backup, and configuration editing.

Built With

Getting Started



Create a new Minecraft GameServer With Sidecar

kubectl create -f example/mc-server.yml

Full Java GameServer specification example Full Bedrock GameServer specification example



agones-mc monitor

Environment variables

  • INITIAL_DELAY: Initial startup delay before first ping (default 30s)
  • HOST: Minecraft server host (default "localhost")
  • PORT: Minecraft server port (default 25565)
  • EDITION: Minecraft server edition. java or bedrock (default "java")
  • INTERVAL: Server ping interval (default 10s)
  • TIMEOUT: Max ping duration before timeout (default 10s)
  • MAX_ATTEMPTS: Ping attempt limit. Process will end after failing the last (default 5)

To utilize Agones GameServer health checking, game containers need to interact with the SDK server sidecar. This sidecar process will ping Minecraft Java/Bedrock game containers and report container health to the SDK server.

On Pod creation it will repeatedly ping minecraft server in the same Pod network (localhost) every interval (defaults to 10s). The first successful ping will call Ready(). Every subsequent ping will call Health(). For an unsuccessful ping, the process will attempt to ping server until successful or until a total of attempts (default 5) consecutive failed pings at which the process will exit

If the server is pinged while starting up (initial world generation), the ping will be considered successful but Ready() would not be called.

GameServer Pod template example

      - name: mc-server
        image: itzg/minecraft-server # Minecraft Java server image
        env: # Full list of ENV variables at
          - name: EULA
            value: 'TRUE'

      - name: mc-monitor
        image: saulmaldonado/agones-mc # monitor
          - monitor
          - name: INITIAL_DELAY
            value: 30s
          - name: MAX_ATTEMPTS
            value: 5
          - name: INTERVAL
            value: 10s
          - name: TIMEOUT
            value: 10s
        imagePullPolicy: Always

Full Java GameServer specification example

Full Bedrock GameServer specification example

Run Locally with Docker

Run an example Minecraft GameServer, Agones SDK, and monitor Pod locally with docker-compose

docker-compose -f monitor.docker-compose.yml up

# or

make docker-compose.monitor


agones-mc backup

Environment variables

  • INITIAL_DELAY: Initial startup delay before first ping (default 30s)
  • VOLUME: Mounted volume path into the server's minecraft data directory (default "/data")
  • HOST: Minecraft server host (default "localhost")
  • PORT: Minecraft server port (default 25565)
  • EDITION: Minecraft server edition. java or bedrock (default "java")
  • BUCKET_NAME: GCP bucket name for backups (default "")
  • BACKUP_NAME: Archived world backup name (default "")
  • BACKUP_CRON: crontab for the backup job (default will run job once)
  • RCON_PASSWORD: Password for server's RCON (default "minecraft")
  • POD_NAME: Pod name for logging (default "")

backup will creates zip archives of world for backup to Google Cloud Storage. The process will use the host's Application Default Credentials (ADC) or attached service account (provided by GCE, GKE, etc.). To run as a sidecar, the container will need a shared volume with the minecraft server's /data directory.

If a crontab is provided through BACKUP_CRON the process will schedule backup job according to it, otherwise the backup job will only run once at startup.

If an RCON_PASSWORD env variable is set on the container, the process will attempt to call save-all on the minecraft server before backing up

When starting a backup job the process will copy the world data at /data/world into a zip with the name <SERVER_NAME>-<UTC_TIMESTAMP>.zip. The zip will then be uploaded to Google Cloud Storage into the bucket specified by BUCKET_NAME

GameServer Pod template example

      - name: mc-server
        image: itzg/minecraft-server # Minecraft Java server image
        env: # Full list of ENV variables at
          - name: EULA
            value: 'TRUE'
          - mountPath: /data # shared vol with mc-load and mc-backup
            name: world-vol

      - name: mc-backup
        image: saulmaldonado/agones-mc # backup
          - backup
          - name: BUCKET_NAME
            value: agones-minecraft-mc-worlds
          - name: BACKUP_CRON
            value: 0 */6 * * *
          - name: INITIAL_DELAY
            value: 60s
          - name: VOLUME
            value: /data
          - name: POD_NAME
                fieldPath: # GameServer ref for naming backup zip files
          - name: RCON_PASSWORD
            value: minecraft # default rcon password. If provided RCON connection will be used to execute 'save-all' before a backup job.
            # Change the rcon password when exposing RCON port outside the pod
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          - mountPath: /data # shared vol with mc-server
            name: world-vol

      - name: world-vol # shared vol between containers. will not persist between restarts
        emptyDir: {}

Full Java GameServer specification example

Full Bedrock GameServer specification example

Run Locally with Docker

Run an example Minecraft GameServer Pod locally with docker-compose

docker-compose -f backup.docker-compose.yml up

# or

make docker-compose.backup


  agones-mc load

Environment variables

  • BUCKET_NAME: GCP bucket name for backups (default "")
  • BACKUP_NAME: Archived world backup name to load (default "")
  • VOLUME: volume mount path to load minecraft world into (default "/data")
  • POD_NAME: Pod name for logging (default "")

Load is an initContainer process that will download an archived world from Google Cloud Storage and load it into the Minecraft container's world directory.

The name of the archived world must be specified using the BACKUP env variable. This can be done in a Pod template using a fieldRef to a Pod annotation

For example:

The name of the archived world can be specified using '' annotation on the pod template (template.metadata.annotations['']) and referenced using metadata.annotations['']

When downloaded the zip file will be placed into /data/ on the current container. A shared volume between the container and the minecraft server's container should be used to place the zip into the minecraft server's /data directory. When using the itzg/minecraft-server container image, specifying a WORLD environment variable that points to the location of an archived zip file will cause the startup script to unzip the world and load it into the /data/world directory

GameServer Pod template example

    annotations: # mc-load will download this archived world from storage
      - name: mc-load
        image: saulmaldonado/agones-mc # backup
          - load
          - name: BUCKET_NAME
            value: agones-minecraft-mc-worlds
          - name: POD_NAME
                fieldPath: # GameServer name ref for logging
          - name: BACKUP_NAME
                fieldPath: metadata.annotations[''] # ref to to download archived world
          - name: VOLUME
            value: /data
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          - mountPath: /data # shared vol with mc-server
            name: world-vol

      - name: mc-server
        image: itzg/minecraft-server # Minecraft Java server image
        env: # Full list of ENV variables at
          - name: EULA
            value: "TRUE"
          - name: WORLD
            value: /data/ # path to archived world in shared vol. mc-load initcontainer will download and place the archive at /data/
          - mountPath: /data # shared vol with mc-load and mc-backup
            name: world-vol

      - name: world-vol # shared vol between containers. will not persist between restarts
        emptyDir: {}

Full Java GameServer specification with world loading example

Full Bedrock GameServer specification with world loading example

Run Locally with Docker

Run an example Minecraft GameServer Pod locally with docker-compose

docker-compose -f load.docker-compose.yml up

# or

make docker-compose.load


  agones-mc fileserver

Environment variables

  • VOLUME: volume mount path to load minecraft world into (default "/data")

fileserver is a Go http fileserver for viewing, adding, editing, and deleting configuration files in the shared minecraft data volume in a pod.

GET: /:path-to-file

Response: Content-Type: application/json

Access file or traverse directory in the volume

POST: /:filename

Request: Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Creates a new file in the volume

PUT: /:filename

Request: Content-Type: multipart/form-data

edits existing file in the volume

DELETE: /filename

deletes existing file in the volume

For example:

GET: /whitelist.json will download the /data/whitelist.json

GameServer Pod template example

      - name: mc-server
        image: itzg/minecraft-server # Minecraft Java server image
        env: # Full list of ENV variables at
          - name: EULA
            value: "TRUE"
          - mountPath: /data # shared vol with mc-load and mc-backup
            name: world-vol

      - name: mc-fileserver # fileserver
          image: saulmaldonado/agones-mc
            - fileserver
            - name: VOLUME
              value: /data
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - mountPath: /data # shared vol with mc-server
              name: world-vol

      - name: world-vol # shared vol between containers. will not persist between restarts
        emptyDir: {}

Full Java GameServer specification with world loading example

Full Bedrock GameServer specification with world loading example

Run Locally with Docker

Run an example Minecraft GameServer Pod locally with docker-compose

docker-compose -f fileserver.docker-compose.yml up

# or

make docker-compose.load


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Clone the Project
  3. Create your Feature or Fix Branch (git checkout -b (feat|fix)/AmazingFeatureOrFix)
  4. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeatureOrFix')
  5. Push to the Branch (git push origin (feat|fix)/AmazingFeatureOrFix)
  6. Open a Pull Request

Build from source

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Build

    make build
    # or
    CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/agones-mc .

Build from Dockerfile

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Build

    docker build -t <hub-user>/agones-mc:latest .
  3. Push to Docker repo

    docker push <hub-user>/agones-mc:latest


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.



Saul Maldonado

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Minecraft server sidecar CLI for Agones GameServers







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