This project contains algorithms implemented with java. Below are the list of algorithms that have been implemented.
- KMP pattern search
- Rabin Karp pattern search
- Finite Automata pattern search
- Boyer Moore - Bad heuristic rule
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Shell sort
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Heap sort
- Counting sort
- Bucket sort
- Radix sort
- Depth first search
- Breadth first search
- Topological sort
- Dijkstras single source shortest path
- Bellman-Ford single source shortest path
- Activity selection
- Job Scheduling
- Egyptian factor
- Binomial coefficient
- Longest common sequence
- Longest repeated sequence
- Longest increasing sequence
- Largest sub-array sum
- Ugly numbers
- Minimum edit distance
- Cover distance
- Longest path matrix
- Optimal game strategy
- Coin change ways
- Cutting rod
- 0-1 Knapsack problem
- Optimize matrix multiplications
- Shortest common super sequence
- Max product cutting rod
- Word break
- Dice throwing
- Box stacking
- Egg dropping
- Array Rotation
- Finding Repetative element in 5 ways
- Triplets Sum
- Right Angle Matrix
- Matrix180Rotation
- MatrixSpiralForm
- Loop Length
- LinkedList Is Palindrome
- Merge Sort for Linked Lists
- Insertion Sort for Linked Lists
- Reverse List in Groups
- Rearrange Linked List Nodes
- Merge K Sorted Linked Lists
- Segregate Even Odd Nodes
- Intersection Point
- Move Occurences
- Expression Evaluation
- Expression Conversions
- Next Greater Element
- Max Rectangle area in histogram
- Stack using queues
- Min element in stack - O(1) TC
- Stock Span
- Sum of Min & Max in sub-arrays
- First Non Repeating Character
- Petrol Pumps
- Binary Tree Height
- Tree traversals iterative approach
- Morris traversal
- Foldable binary tree
- Symmetric tree
- Inorder predecessor & successor
- Construct tree from array
- Construct tree from inorder & preorder traversals
- Construct tree from inorder & postorder traversals
- Construct tree from inorder & level order traversals
- Mirror binary tree
- Convert binar tree to DLL
- Convert ternary expression to binary tree
- Covered & Uncovered nodes sum
- Divide binary tree
- Print cousins
- Sum tree
- Diagonal sum
- Largest sub tree sum
- Sum in longest path
- Print K - sum paths
- Lowest common ancestor
- Max diff between a node and its ancestor
- Printing common nodes
- Diameter of binary tree
- Is balanced tree
- Binary tree max width
- Binary tree vertical width
- Binary tree bottom view
- BST dead end
- Construct BST
- Is BST preorder traversal
- LCA in BST
- Print array in sort order BST
- Correct BST
- Sorting using heap DS
- Is given tree is binary heap
- Longest sub array
- Longest increasing sub sequence
- Largest contiguous sub array
- Sum pair exists
- Minimal spanning trees
- Articulation points & bridges
- Shortest path algorithms
- Graph connectivity using Kosaraju's algorithm
- Topological sort using DFS & Kahns algorithms
- Cycle detection in grap