- 🎓 CS PhD @ UT Dallas, TX. previously: MS EE @ USC, CA.
- 🔭 research interests: continual learning, data-efficient deep learning, representation learning, self-supervised learning, computer vision.
- 🤔 either working hard or hardly working, but always open to collaborations.
- 📫 reach me: sarthak.maharana@utdallas.edu or maharana@usc.edu
- ⚡ you'd probably find me reading some SOTA DL research, glued to CS:GO gameplays or jamming to some old-school hip-hop.
I body him.
There's gonna come a point where you'll forget about what happened and you're gonna wanna come back at me.
Don't get hit.
SERIOUSLY! Do not get hit.
These keep nesting at 20. I stopped checking after that point.
Man, go to sleep.