Ansible role for installing Zabbix 3 server. This role installs Zabbix 3 Server on systems running RHEL 7 or Centos 7.
Limitations: Only MySQL/Mariadb is supported. Support for PostgreSQL is planned in the next versions.
Copyright: This role is derived from role
- Support for Zabbix 3 Server for RHEL/CENTOS 7
- Support for MySQL/MariaDB database
- Ensuring SELinux context is kept when copying Zabbix and Apache conf files
- Add dynamic entry in /etc/hosts with zabbix_url variable (zabbix server name)
Some variables such as first_playbook_run can be set to True or False. When it's True the task for adding an entry in /etc/hosts is run, and for configuring root password for MySQL. Additional variables such as zabbix_database_creation and zabbix_database_sqlload should be set to True only during the first playbook run.
geerlingguy.apache role for Apache Httpd
Davide M. Puggioni