- Paper: arXiv preprint (Accepted to ISBI 2025)
- Cite:
@misc{galada2024prismprivacypreservingintersitemri, title={PRISM: Privacy-preserving Inter-Site MRI Harmonization via Disentangled Representation Learning}, author={Sarang Galada and Tanurima Halder and Kunal Deo and Ram P Krish and Kshitij Jadhav}, year={2024}, eprint={2411.06513}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={eess.IV}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.06513}, }
- Clone / download this repository, navigate to the code folder and
pip install requirements.txt
- Skull strip your MRI volumes using
software (aka Brain extraction). [If you don't have MRI data, the openly available IXI Dataset is the easiest option.] - Run MRI-Slicer.py on the stripped MRI volumes. [Note: In some cases, where the MRI volumes are stored in different orientations, you may need to manually reorient the data]
- Run folder2dataset.py to generate separate custom MRI datasets (incl. augmentations) for each site.
- To train the PRISM model on each site, follow the PRISM-training.ipynb notebook. Alternatively, run train.py. Repeat the training procedure for each participating site.
- With the models now trained, follow the PRISM-inference.ipynb notebook to harmonize the MRI without any data exchange, as per the
framework. Alternatively, run harmonize.py.- reconstruct.py and visualization.py can be run to evaluate PRISM's reconstruction performance and visualize the "style" harmonization.
(More coming soon)