The disturbance storm time (Dst) index is a measure in the context of space weather. It gives information about the strength of the ring current around Earth caused by solar protons and electrons.
This Project aims at analyzing the Disturbance storm time(DST) index using a web tool and then making useful insights and visualizations on the DST index over the last several years.It consists of mainly three SubProjects:
Developing a web-tool plotting DST index
Developing a Database that allows querying DST index
Analyzing DST index & generating useful insights and visualizations
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Bokeh
To run the project, perform following steps -
Run the
to regenerate the filesDST(1975-1999).csv
files & the YearData and Month Data Folders . -
file to regenerateDST(Time-Series Format).csv
& feed in the start & end dates to get a plot of DST Index from start date to end date. -
Run the command:
bokeh serve --show
, to run the Year Slider User Interactive application. The slider can be slid and the corresponding graph can be viewed and saved. -
Run the command:
bokeh serve --show
, to Run the Year & Month Drop Down User Interactive application. The year and month options can be selected from the drop down to get the corresponding graph which can be viewed and saved. -
The Database(
) is created which can be queried by the command: python The output if which can be obtained in file namequery_output.csv
. -
Finally, run
Analyzing DST Index & Visualizations.ipynb
to get various plots and visualizations.