Most custom maps designed for Civ 5 will usually provide screenshots of the map, but they will either only show a portion of the map in the game or a zoomed out image which shows all of the cities but not the terrain. This program is designed to provide you a detailed view of the entire map in one single image.
You have the option of generating a physical map or a political map. The physical map focuses on generating the terrain, while the political map shows the civilization boundaries and major cities. This program will convert a Civ 5 map with the file extension .Civ5Map to a PNG image.
The input filename can either be a .civ5map or .json file. To start using this application, you can use any of the map files in the maps/ folder or you can load a .civ5map in your game directory.
If you generated the map image and want to modify the map, you can export the .civ5map as a .json by providing an output filename with the file extension .json and reuse the exported json as the input filename.
./Civ5MapImage.exe -input=[input filename] -mode=[drawing mode (optional)] -output=[output filename (default is output.png)]
The default map mode is physical, which shows the different types of terrain.
./Civ5MapImage.exe -input=earth.Civ5Map -output=earth.png
To generate a political map with the civilization and city state borders, you must pass in -mode=political to specify the drawing mode.
./Civ5MapImage.exe -input=maps/europe1939.json -mode=political -output=europe1939.png
To generate a replay, you will need to provide the base map and the replay file of a game.
./Civ5MapImage.exe -mode=replay -input=[map filename] -replay=[replay filename] -output=[gif filename]
To extract a replay from a save file, you will need to convert the save file into a json and use the new json as a replay file.
./Civ5MapImage.exe -mode=exportjson -input=[save filename] -output=[json filename]
Set -mode=exportjson and output to have a filename ending in .json. No image will be generated.
./Civ5MapImage.exe -mode=exportjson -input=earth.Civ5Map -output=earth.json
This file format covers .civ5map files, which stores the map data. All data is stored in little endian.
Type | Size | Description |
uint8 | 1 byte | ScenarioVersion (The leftmost 4 bits are for scenario. The rightmost 4 bits are for version, which is set to 12 for newer files.) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Map width |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Map height |
uint8 | 1 byte | Number of players |
uint8[4] | 4 bytes | Settings (hasWorldWrap, hasRandomResources, hasRandomGoodies) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | TerrainDataSize (Length of terrain list) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | FeatureTerrainDataSize (Length of feature terrain list) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | FeatureWonderDataSize (Length of feature wonder list) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | ResourceDataSize (Length of resource list) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | ModDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | MapNameLength |
uint32 | 4 bytes | MapDescriptionLength |
Following the header, is a list of strings whose size is determined in the header. Each string list will have a zero byte to split items.
Type | Size | Description |
String list | TerrainDataSize bytes | Terrain (e.g. TERRAIN_GRASS) |
String list | FeatureTerrainDataSize bytes | Feature terrain (e.g. FEATURE_ICE) |
String list | FeatureWonderDataSize bytes | Feature wonders(e.g. FEATURE_CRATER, FEATURE_FUJI) |
String list | ResourceDataSize bytes | Resources (e.g. RESOURCE_IRON) |
String | ModDataSize bytes | modData |
String | MapNameLength bytes | Map name |
String | MapDescriptionLength bytes | Map description |
uint32 | 4 bytes | WorldSizeLength (Only if version >= 11) |
String | WorldSizeLength bytes | WorldSize (Only if version >= 11) |
The map data is inverted, which means that the bottommost row rendered on the screen is stored on the top row of the array and the topmost row rendered on the screen is stored on the last row of the array.
Type | Size | Description |
MapTile[Height][Width] | (Height * Width * 8) bytes | Map geography |
The size of this struct is 8 bytes.
Type | Size | Description |
uint8 | 1 byte | TerrainType (index in terrain list) |
uint8 | 1 byte | ResourceType (index in resource list, 0xFF if none) |
uint8 | 1 byte | FeatureTerrainType (index in feature terrain list, 0xFF if none) |
uint8 | 1 byte | RiverData (The low 3 bits means the tile border has a river. Only 3 edges needs to be marked per tile. 4 (>>2) is southwest edge, 2 (>>1) is southeast edge, 1 (>>0) is eastern edge) |
uint8 | 1 byte | Elevation (0 = flat, 1 = hills, 2 = mountain) |
uint8 | 1 byte | Continent (0 = none, 1 = Americas, 2 = Asia, 3 = Africa, 4 = Europe) |
uint8 | 1 byte | FeatureWonderType (index in feature wonder list, 0xFF if none) |
uint8 | 1 byte | ResourceAmount |
Type | Size | Description |
byte[68] | 68 bytes | Unknown, seems related to GameSpeed |
uint32 | 4 bytes | MaxTurns |
byte[4] | 4 bytes | Unknown |
uint32 | 4 bytes | StartYear |
uint8 | 1 byte | PlayerCount (Number of playable civs) |
uint8 | 1 byte | CityStateCount |
uint8 | 1 byte | TeamCount (should be the sum of PlayerCount and CityStateCount) |
byte | 1 byte | Unknown |
uint32 | 4 bytes | ImprovementDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | UnitTypeDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | TechTypeDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | PolicyTypeDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | BuildingTypeDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | PromotionTypeDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | UnitDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | UnitNameDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | CityDataSize |
uint32 | 4 bytes | VictoryDataSize (Only if version >= 11) |
uint32 | 4 bytes | GameOptionDataSize (Only if version >= 11) |
Type | Size | Description |
String list | ImprovementDataSize bytes | Improvements (e.g. IMPROVEMENT_FARM) |
String list | UnitTypeDataSize bytes | Unit types (e.g. UNIT_SETTLER) |
String list | TechTypeDataSize bytes | Tech types (e.g. TECH_AGRICULTURE) |
String list | PolicyTypeDataSize bytes | Policy types (e.g. POLICY_LIBERTY) |
String list | BuildingTypeDataSize bytes | Building types (e.g. BUILDING_STADIUM) |
String list | PromotionTypeDataSize bytes | Promotion types (e.g. PROMOTION_DRILL_1) |
Unit data array | UnitDataSize bytes | Unit data |
Unit name array | UnitNameDataSize bytes | Unit names |
City array | CityDataSize bytes | City information |
String list | VictoryDataSize bytes | Victory types (e.g. VICTORY_CULTURAL) |
String list | GameOptionDataSize bytes | Game options (e.g. GAMEOPTION_NO_CITY_RAZING) |
In version 11, the sizeof this struct is 48 bytes.
In version 12, the sizeof this struct is 84 bytes.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[2] | 2 bytes | Unknown |
uint16 | 2 bytes | Index to custom unit name data |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Experience |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Health (100% health is 100000) |
uint8 (version 11) or uint32 (version 12) | 1 byte for version 11, 4 bytes for version 12 | Unit type |
uint8 | 1 byte | Owner |
uint8 | 1 byte | Facing direction |
uint8 | 1 byte | Status (The low 3 bits are used. 4 (>>2) is garrisoned, 2 (>>1) is embarked, 1 (>>0) is fortified) |
byte | 1 byte | Unknown (Only for version 12) |
byte[] | 32 bytes for version 11, 64 bytes for version 12 | Promotion data |
In version 11, the sizeof this struct is 104 bytes.
In version 12, the sizeof this struct is 136 bytes.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | City name |
uint8 | 1 byte | Owner |
uint8 | 1 byte | Settings |
uint16 | 2 bytes | Population |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Health (100% health is 100000) |
byte[] | 32 bytes for version 11, 64 bytes for version 12 | Building data |
There is a section between the city data and team data that doesn't seem to be used anywhere, except for padding. The sizeof this block is unknown, but this block size increases as the number of civs increases.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[] | Unknown bytes | This block doesn't seem to correspond to anything in the game |
The sizeof this struct is 64 bytes. The team name is usually the default value, e.g. Team 1.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Team name |
The sizeof this struct is 436 bytes.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[32] | 32 bytes | Policies |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Leader name (override leader name) |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Civ name (override civ name) |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Civ type (default civ name) |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Team color |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Era |
byte[64] | 64 bytes | Handicap |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Culture |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Gold |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Start position X |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Start position Y |
uint8 | 1 byte | Team |
uint8 | 1 byte | Playable |
byte[2] | 2 bytes | Unknown |
This block is always placed at the end of a file.
Type | Size | Description |
MapTileImprovement[Height][Width] | (Height * Width * 8) bytes | 2D array of map tile improvements |
The size of this struct is 8 bytes.
Type | Size | Description |
uint16 | 2 bytes | City id (0xFFFF if none) |
uint16 | 2 bytes | Unit id (0xFFFF if none) |
uint8 | 1 byte | Owner |
uint8 | 1 byte | Improvement |
uint8 | 1 byte | RouteType (0 = road, 1 = railroad, 0xFF = none) |
uint8 | 1 byte | RouteOwner |
The replay files store a list of civilizations, events, and datasets for different statistics like gold per turn.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[4] | 4 bytes | Game name |
uint32 | 4 bytes | unknownBlock1 |
varstring | var bytes | Game version |
varstring | var bytes | Game build |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Current turn number |
byte[1] | 1 bytes | unknownBlock2 |
varstring | var bytes | Player civ |
varstring | var bytes | Difficulty |
varstring | var bytes | Era start |
varstring | var bytes | Era end |
varstring | var bytes | Game speed |
varstring | var bytes | World size |
varstring | var bytes | Map filename |
DLC Array Element
Array size is uint32 followed by list of elements.
Type | Size | Description |
byte[16] | 16 bytes | dlcId |
byte[4] | 4 bytes | dlcEnabled |
varstring | var bytes | dlcName |
Mods Array Element
Array size is uint32 followed by list of elements.
Type | Size | Description |
varstring | var bytes | modId |
byte[4] | 4 bytes | modVersion |
varstring | var bytes | modName |
Header Continued
Type | Size | Description |
varstring | var bytes | Civ name |
varstring | var bytes | Leader name |
varstring | var bytes | Player color |
byte[8] | 8 bytes | unknownBlock5 |
varstring | var bytes | mapFilename2 |
Unknown Block
Type | Size | Description |
uint32 | 4 bytes | unknownVersion |
uint32[4] | 16 bytes | Unknown array |
uint32 | 4 bytes | unknownCount1 |
uint32[] | (unknownCount1 * 4) bytes | Unknown array |
uint32 | 4 bytes | unknownCount2 |
uint32[] | (unknownCount2 + 1) bytes | Unknown array |
uint8 | 1 byte | Unknown |
Header Continued
Type | Size | Description |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Start turn |
int32 | 4 bytes | Start year |
uint32 | 4 bytes | End turn |
varstring | var bytes | End year |
uint32 | 4 bytes | zeroStartYear |
uint32 | 4 bytes | zeroEndYear |
The civ names are stored in an array.
Array size is uint32.
Array element format
Type | Size | Description |
uint32[4] | 4*4 bytes | Unknown |
varstring | var bytes | Leader name |
varstring | var bytes | Civ long name |
varstring | var bytes | Civ name |
varstring | var bytes | Civ demonym |
Array size is uint32.
Array element format
Type | Size | Description |
varstring | var bytes | Dataset name |
This is a 3D array. The first level is divided by civilization and the second level is divided by category. To get a list of dataset values, you have to call datasetValues[civIndex][datasetNameIndex]. Each dataset value is represented by a Turn and Value pair.
The number of events is a uint32.
Replay Event format
Type | Size | Description |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Turn |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Type id |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Number tiles |
tile array | numTIles * 4 bytes | Tile array, which contains uint16 for x and uint16 for y |
uint32 | 4 bytes | Civilization Id |
varstring | varstring bytes | Event text |
Tile data contains information about the physical map.
Type | Size | Description |
uint32 | 4 bytes | unknownVariable1 |
uint32 | 4 bytes | unknownVariable2 |
uint8 | 1 byte | Elevation id |
uint8 | 1 byte | Type id |
uint8 | 1 byte | Feature id |
uint8 | 1 byte | unknownVariable3 |
Most of the save file is compressed and the header begins with 0x789C, which is a ZLIB header.