A group of undergraduate students led by a professor conducting research on NFL football injuries. Our goal is to analyze NFL injuries that occured between 2019 and 2023 based on a variety of factors such as field type (turf or grass), weather, player position, contact or non-contact hit, and more. We ultimately will use this data to create a model that will predict injury likelihood for NFL players. We will also analyze the data and search for patterns that lead to injury based on the measured variables. We are currently writing a research paper to submit to the American Journal of Sports Medicine detailing our findings.
Data: Contains csv data files of all information that we collected and used in our analysis
Models: Contains the models that we created based on the data
Schedule: Contains information on the schedule of NFL seasons between '19'-20 and '22-'23
Scripts: Contains scripts of our R data files and RMarkdown files
Visualizations: Contains files that we used to visualize the data.
Peter Walsh- walshpd2@miamioh.edu
Samantha Erne- ernesm@miamioh.edu
Brendan Beattie- beattibs@miamioh.edu
Jake Holroyd- holroyjm@miamioh.edu
We showcased our research at the Miami University Undergraduate Research Forum in mid-April. An article featuring our team is linked here.