Nested S3 - Display the objects on S3 bucket path in a tree-like diagram
It uses the tree command to display the objects in an s3 bucketpath in a tree-like diagram.
tree : $ sudo apt-get install tree | brew install tree
python3 : $ sudo apt-get install python3.6 pip
aws cli : $ pip3 install awscli
$ python3 install
$ ns3 bucket-name/bucket-path -option value
usage: ns3 [-h] [-Ipattern] [-Epattern] [-limit] [-query] [-dirs_only]
[-listflat] [-v]
Display the objects on S3 bucketpath in a tree-like diagram
positional arguments:
Display the objects on S3 bucket path in a tree-like diagram
$ ns3 bucket-name/bucket-path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
File name pattern to be used to filter from listing the files
from a bucketpath.
Default: '*' (shows all files in the directory)
1. path/file*123*.ext : to list all files with a pattern.
2. *p1* | *p2* : to list files with multiple patterns with an OR function.
File name pattern to be excluded from listed files
from a bucketpath.
Default: None (shows all files in the directory)
1. path/file*123*.ext : to exclude listing all files with a pattern.
2. *p1* | *p2* : to exclude listing files with multiple patterns with
an OR function.
Number to be used to limit the number of files from the
provided bucketpath
Default: 200
-query (To be added soon)
Any other query to be used in JMESPath format to be used on
the list response.
Default: None
List only the directories inside a provided S3
Default: False
-listflat (To be added soon)
List all the files with in regular format with file size,
last modified date and full bucketpath to S3 object.
Default: False
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
$ ns3 bucket/insight/path/clean
├── test_example_1_dissolved.cpg
├── test_example_1_dissolved.dbf
├── test_example_1_dissolved.prj
├── test_example_1_dissolved.qpj
├── test_example_1_dissolved.shp
├── test_example_1_dissolved.shx
├── india
│ ├── grid_e8
│ │ └── yearly
│ │ ├── example_ds_Y2014_india_aggregated.csv
│ │ ├── example_ds_Y2015_india_aggregated.csv
│ │ ├── example_ds_Y2016_india_aggregated.csv
│ │ ├── example_ds_Y2017_india_aggregated.csv
│ │ └── example_ds_Y2018_india_aggregated.csv
│ └── raster500m
│ └── yearly
│ ├── example_ds_Y2014_india_ub.tif
│ ├── example_ds_Y2015_india_ub.tif
│ ├── example_ds_Y2016_india_ub.tif
│ ├── example_ds_Y2017_india_ub.tif
│ └── example_ds_Y2018_india_ub.tif
└── towns
└── dissolved_towns
├── polygon_boundaries_2014.geojson
└── polygon_boundaries_2014_dissolved.geojson
7 directories, 18 files