=== Version 3.1 ===
- Added possibility to convert names to upper/lower/camel cases.
- Added tooltips for waypoints.
- Several fixes.
=== Version 3.0 ===
- Ported to PyQt6.
- Moved to pyproject.toml instead of setup.py to configure setuptools.
=== Version 2.4.1 ===
- Fixed reading GPX files with millisecond accuracy.
=== Version 2.4 ===
- Added possibility to set bold or italic fonts for axes labels and point captions.
- Added options to convert waypoints to tracks and vice versa when exporting to GPX/KML files.
- Initial steps for compatibility with PyQt6.
=== Version 2.3 ===
- Added posibility to select multiple points in profile window.
- Added "go to main window" button in the profile window.
- Several fixes and performance improvements.
=== Version 2.2 ===
- Added possibility to get altitudes for waypoints and tracks from online SRTM data.
- Reading and writing KML files is now supported.
- Added possibility to open files by drag & drop from file manager.
=== Version 2.1 ===
- Improved user interactions in the profile window: dragging captions, changing selected markers and more.
- Added more actions in the context menu and shortcuts to them.
- Added possibility to change point name via point style dialog.
=== Version 2.0 ===
- Added detailed view for profile window. It allows one to view/modify all points and see their coordinates.
- Added possibility to zoom and drag the profile.
- Added detailed view to the main window with more columns (speed, slope, etc.).
- Added an option to sort imported points by time.
- Changed dependency to QCustomPlot2.
=== Version 1.2 ===
- Added possibility to show absolute date and time in the X axis labels.
- Added several new options to settings dialog and point properties dialog.
- Added support for dark color themes.
- Added arrow-like marker shapes.
=== Version 1.1 ===
- Added GPX Viewer archive format to store project along with all GPX files.
- Added possibility to choose columns to be copied to clipboard.
=== Version 1.0 ===
- Major improvement: use QCustomPlot instead of matplotlib to draw profiles.
- As a result some interactivity added to plot window (see help menu for details).
- Added possibility to rename several points at once.
- Added several new settings.
- Refactored several dialogs and menus.
- Added a lot of new icons and tooltips.
=== Version 0.9.3 ===
- Added possibility to revert point names to default values.
- Added possibility to choose from several online maps providers.
=== Version 0.9.2 ===
- Added an option to draw profiles using only selected points and tracks.
=== Version 0.9.1 ===
- Several fixes.
=== Version 0.9 ===
- Ask about new GPX file location if file not found.
- Added recent projects submenu.
=== Version 0.8 ===
- Possibility to select distance coefficient.
=== Version 0.7 ===
- Added possibility to edit names.
- Added possibility to show point location on Google maps.
- Total statistics in the statistics window is now shown for selected rows only.
- Read and write additional WPT fields: cmt, desc, sym.
- Added mime type for Linux version.
=== Version 0.6 ===
- Added full support for tracks in addition to waypoints.
=== Version 0.5 ===
- Added exporting non-skipped points to a GPX file.
=== Version 0.4 ===
- Added statistics by segments.
- Added support for time zones.
=== Version 0.3 ===
- Handle files without timestamps.
- Handle loading multiple GPX files.
=== Version 0.2 ===
- Windows installer now works properly.
=== Version 0.1 ===
- Basic functionality is ready.