Is a Ruby on Rails application platform for students to manage their study
- Fork the repository.
- From your terminal, clone the SSH or HTTPS key.
- Then run
Cd studyhub.
Run Bundle install.
Run rake db:migrate.
Run rake db:seed
Run rails s.
Finally, Go to localhost:3000 to view the app.
- You should have rails installed in your machine.
- Ruby version min 2.3.3
- Sqlite3
The application has specs written with RSpec and Capybara. You can run the specs by running
or if you interested in running specs for a particular file run
rspec spec/folder_name/file_name.rb
- Ruby-On-Rails - The web framework used
- Devise - Authentication login/logout/signin
- Salma Elshahawy - Initial work - Salma71
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details