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HandleImgSearch UDF

This repository contains a set of global image processing functions that can be used for various tasks, including capturing, searching, and comparing images. These functions provide flexibility and customization options to suit your specific needs.

Table of Contents



Initializes global functions for image processing, allowing configuration of various parameters.


_GlobalImgInit($Hwnd, $X = 0, $Y = 0, $Width = -1, $Height = -1, $IsUser32 = False, $IsDebug = False, $Tolerance = 15, $Transparency = "", $MaxImg = 1000)


  • $Hwnd (optional): Handle of the window.
  • $X, $Y, $Width, $Height (optional): Area of the window that you want to capture. Default is the whole $hwnd window.
  • $IsUser32 (optional): Use DllCall User32.dll instead of _WinAPI_BitBlt. Default is False.
  • $IsDebug (optional): Allows Debug mode. Default is False.
  • $Tolerance (optional): Variation of the color (0 - 255). Default is 15.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $MaxImg (optional): Max image results that you want to find. Default is 1000.



Captures a screenshot of the specified window or the entire screen if no window handle is provided.


_GlobalImgCapture([$Hwnd = 0])


  • $Hwnd: Handle of the window if you don't use _GlobalImgInit to declare.

Return Values

  • @error <> 0 if an error occurs.
  • Returns Handle of the captured Bitmap.



Returns the handle of a bitmap image, which can be used for further image processing.



Return Values

  • Returns the handle of the Bitmap.



Retrieves random coordinates of the first occurrence of a specified image.


_GlobalImgSearchRandom($BmpLocal, $IsReCapture = False, $BmpSource = 0, $IsRandom = True, $Tolerance = $_HandleImgSearch_Tolerance, $Transparency = $_HandleImgSearch_Transparency, $MaxImg = $_HandleImgSearch_MaxImg)


  • $BmpLocal: The path of the BMP image to look for.
  • $IsReCapture (optional): Capture again. Default is False.
  • $Tolerance (optional): Variation of color. Default is 15.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $BmpSource (optional): Handle of the Bitmap if it's different from the Global value. Default is 0.
  • $IsRandom (optional): Set to False if you don't want to randomize the result. Default is True.

Return Values

  • @error = 1 if an error occurs.
  • Returns random coordinates of the first result ($P[0] = $X, $P[1] = $Y).



Searches for a given image within a specified window, providing information about the location and size of all occurrences found.


_GlobalImgSearch($BmpLocal, $IsReCapture = False, $BmpSource = 0, $Tolerance = $_HandleImgSearch_Tolerance, $Transparency = $_HandleImgSearch_Transparency, $MaxImg = $_HandleImgSearch_MaxImg)


  • $BmpLocal: Path of the finding BMP image.
  • $IsReCapture (optional): Re-capture the window. Default is False.
  • $BmpSource (optional): Handle of Bitmap if not using Global.
  • $Tolerance (optional): Variation of color.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $MaxImg (optional): Max number of results that you want to get.

Return Values

  • Success: Returns a 2D array with the following format:
    • $aCords[0][0] = Total results number
    • $aCords[$i][0] = X
    • $aCords[$i][1] = Y
    • $aCords[$i][2] = Width of bitmap
    • $aCords[$i][3] = Height of bitmap
  • Error occurs: @error <> 0



Waits for a specified image to appear within the declared handle or on the screen, with options for specifying a timeout and tolerance.


_GlobalImgWaitExist($BmpLocal, $TimeOutSecs = 5, $Tolerance = $_HandleImgSearch_Tolerance, $Transparency = $_HandleImgSearch_Transparency, $MaxImg = $_HandleImgSearch_MaxImg)


  • $BmpLocal: The path of the BMP image to be searched.
  • $TimeOutSecs (optional): The maximum time to search for the image in seconds. Default is 5.
  • $Tolerance (optional): The color difference of the image.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $MaxImg (optional): The maximum number of search results returned.

Return Values

  • Success: Returns a 2D array with the following format:
    • $aCords[0][0] = Total number of positions found
    • $aCords[$i][0] = X coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][1] = Y coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][2] = Width of


  • $aCords[$i][3] = Height of bitmap
  • Failure: Set @error <> 0



Retrieves the color value of a specific pixel at given coordinates, optionally allowing re-capture of the image.


_GlobalGetPixel($X, $Y, $IsReCapture = False, $BmpSource = 0)


  • $X, $Y: Coordinates for obtaining the color.
  • $IsReCapture (optional): Capture again the image. Default is False.
  • $BmpSource (optional): Bitmap handle when not using Global. Default is 0.

Return Values

  • Set @error = 1 in case of an error.
  • Return color code in the format 0xRRGGBB.



Compares the color of a specific pixel with a provided color code, considering a specified tolerance level.


_GlobalPixelCompare($X, $Y, $PixelColor, $Tolerance = $_HandleImgSearch_Tolerance, $IsReCapture = False, $BmpSource = 0)


  • $X, $Y: Coordinates to be compared.
  • $PixelColor: Color to be compared.
  • $Tolerance (optional): Tolerance value. Default is 20.
  • $IsReCapture (optional): Retake the image. Default is False.
  • $BmpSource (optional): Handle of the Bitmap if not using Global. Default is 0.

Return Values

  • Set @error = 1 if an error occurs.
  • Returns True if found, False if not found.



Searches for an image within a specified handle (window) or the entire screen.


_HandleImgSearch($hwnd, $bmpLocal, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iWidth = -1, $iHeight = -1, $Tolerance = 15, $Transparency = "", $MaxImg = 1000)


  • $hwnd: Handle of the window to capture. If left blank, it will capture the desktop.
  • $bmpLocal: Path to the BMP image to search for.
  • $x, $y, $iWidth, $iHeight: Search area. Default is the entire image captured from $hwnd.
  • $Tolerance: Color deviation of the image.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as the transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $MaxImg: Maximum number of images to return.

Return Values

  • Success: Returns a 2D array with the following format:
    • $aCords[0][0] = Total number of positions found
    • $aCords[$i][0] = X coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][1] = Y coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][2] = Width of bitmap
    • $aCords[$i][3] = Height of bitmap
  • Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error to 1



Waits for a specific image to appear within a specified handle (window) or on the screen, with options to specify a timeout, tolerance, and transparency.


_HandleImgWaitExist($hwnd, $bmpLocal, $timeOutSecs = 5, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iWidth = -1, $iHeight = -1, $Tolerance = 15, $Transparency = "", $MaxImg = 1000)


  • $hwnd: Handle of the window to capture. If empty ("") the desktop will be captured.
  • $bmpLocal: Path to the BMP image to search for.
  • $timeOutSecs: Maximum search time (in seconds).
  • $x, $y, $iWidth, $iHeight: Search region. By default, it searches the entire image captured from $hwnd.
  • $Tolerance: Color deviation of the image.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as the transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $MaxImg: Maximum number of images to return.

Return Values

  • Success: Returns a 2D array with the following format:
    • $aCords[0][0] = Total number of found positions
    • $aCords[$i][0] = X coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][1] = Y coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][2] = Width of the bitmap
    • $aCords[$i][3] = Height of the bitmap
  • Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error to 1



Searches for an image within a BMP image.


_BmpImgSearch($SourceBmp, $FindBmp, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iWidth = -1, $iHeight = -1, $Tolerance = 15, $Transparency = "", $MaxImg = 1000)


  • $SourceBmp: The path to the source BMP image.
  • $FindBmp: The path to the BMP image to be searched for.
  • $x, $y, $iWidth, $iHeight: The area to search in. The default is the entire image captured from $hwnd.
  • $Tolerance: The color deviation of the image.
  • $Transparency (optional): The color in HEX that you want to set as the transparency. Default is no transparency (e.g., "0xFFFFFF" to ignore all white color).
  • $MaxImg: The maximum number of images to be returned.

Return Values

  • Success: Returns a 2D array with the following format:
    • $aCords[0][0] = The total number of locations found
    • $aCords[$i][0] = The X coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][1] = The Y coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][2] = The width of the bitmap
    • $aCords[$i][3] = The height of the bitmap
  • Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error to 1



Retrieves the color value of a specific pixel within an image based on its handle.


_HandleGetPixel($hwnd, $getX, $getY, $x = 0, $y = 0, $Width = -1, $Height = -1)


  • $hwnd: A handle value.
  • $getX, $getY: The coordinates of the pixel to retrieve the color value.

$x, $y, $Width, $Height: Optional parameters to specify the area of the image in the handle to capture. Default is the entire image captured from $hwnd.

Return Values

  • Sucess: Return the color in Hex (e.g., 0xFFFFFFFF)
  • Failure: Return 0 and set @error to 1.



Compares the color of a pixel within an image based on its handle with a provided color code, considering a specified tolerance level.


_HandlePixelCompare($hwnd, $getX, $getY, $pixelColor, $tolerance = 15, $x = 0, $y = 0, $Width = -1, $Height = -1)


  • $hwnd: A handle value of the image.
  • $getX, $getY: The coordinates of the pixel to compare.
  • $pixelColor: The color to compare to in hex format (e.g., "0xFF0000" for red).
  • $tolerance: The color tolerance value in range 0-255.
  • $x, $y, $Width, $Height: Optional parameters to specify the area of the image in the handle to capture. Default is the entire image captured from $hwnd.

Return Values

  • Returns True if the color of the pixel matches within the specified tolerance, False otherwise.
  • Returns @error = 1 if there is an error in capturing the image or getting the pixel color.



Captures an image of a specified window or the entire screen based on its handle, providing options to customize the capture area and image format.


_HandleCapture($hwnd, $x = 0, $y = 0, $Width = -1, $Height = -1, $IsBMP = False, $SavePath = "", $IsUser32 = False)


  • $hwnd (optional): Handle of the window to capture. If empty ("") then the function captures the current screen.
  • $x (optional): The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image in the window. Default is 0.
  • $y (optional): The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image in the window. Default is 0.
  • $Width (optional): The width of the image in the window. Default is -1 (the entire window is captured).
  • $Height (optional): The height of the image in the window. Default is -1 (the entire window is captured).
  • $IsBMP (optional): True if the function returns a bitmap. False if the function returns an HBITMAP. Default is False.
  • $SavePath (optional): The file path to save the captured image. Default is an empty string.
  • $IsUser32 (optional): True to use User32.dll instead of _WinAPI_BitBlt. Default is False (try to get the right result).

Return Values

  • Success: Returns a 2D array with the following format:
    • $aCords[0][0] = Total number of found positions
    • $aCords[$i][0] = X coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][1] = Y coordinate
    • $aCords[$i][2] = Width of the bitmap
    • $aCords[$i][3] = Height of the bitmap
  • Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error to 1