This project reads muscial notes from a sheet and plays it.
Presentation here: 50475857_50479686_final_presentation.pdf
To execute the project, please follow the following steps:
- First install the requrired libraries using the './requirements.txt' file.
- Run the python notebook './Code/train.ipynb' to train the 'YOLOv8x' model on the custom dataset. The custom dataset is pre-annotated and has already been divided into train, validation, and test splits. Results from training are saved under './Code/runs' directory.
- Once the training is complete, run './Code/'. This will take an input image and save the detected notes and ROIs as PNG images in the './Code/results' directory.
- Next, load and run the './Code/' file. This step uses the results from step 2 to predict the corresponding staff lines and save the notes in a text file as './Code/results/detected_notes.txt'. The musical notes are labeled based on their duration and position on the staff.
- Finally, run the './Code/' file to read the results from step 3 and play the music using the midiutil and pygame library.