of this PoC is: to explore options of containerized applications to use container volumes to read/write files to/from common share (s3 ).
This can be useful when we want to scale out a service dealing with files (e.g. a CMS)
is to provide a working example of ECS with EC2 launch type setup, as it requires a bit more configuration than the launch type FARGATE, so to have a working and complete example comes handy
Provided code:
- builds a hello world app's docker image and uploads to ECR
- defines ECS cluster with launch type EC2:
- task definition using application image from step above
- capacity provider configuring container instances (aka EC2s ) parameters
- docker volume with driver = local (for local file system) bound to container's local directory
We make our application "think" it accesses just a local directory, whereas it is actually bound to an s3 bucket behind the scenes
Implementation details:
- given existing bucket (created outside current terraform stack) we provide access to it as follows: create IAM role, assign it to EC2 instances in the cluster,give this role permissions to access s3, and provide resource policy for s3 to allow access by the IAM role.
- We use mount-s3 utility (https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/03/mountpoint-amazon-s3/) to mount EC2's local folder to external s3 bucket using user_data.sh initializing script, mount-s3 utility uses policies attached to EC2s IAM role to access specified bucket
- In task definition we use volume configuration to bind host's folder (with we mounted in step above) to container's local folder.
provide .env file with valid AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_DEFAULT_REGION values ( for docker compose to pick it up)
build application's image & push it to ECR:
provide terraform.tfvars file with : IMAGE_URL (update this value based on step above), S3_BUCKET_NAME (see description in vars.tf file)
generate ssh key pair (tf-key), these keys are used to ssh into EC2s via bastion host: tf-key.pub should be replaced in variable public_ec2_key, e.g. use ssh-keygen :
use usual terraform commands to deploy ECS stack (albeit via docker compose to avoid cluttering local environment & making sure we use fixed tf version)
docker compose run --rm tf init docker compose run --rm tf validate docker compose run --rm tf plan docker compose run --rm tf apply --auto-approve
Finally, access deployed application via browser using ALBs DNS name (use output value from terraform [application_url], or login into AWS console) e.g.:
- Alternatively (access via dns name) e.g.:
- make sure to start ssh agent (on your local host)
eval $(ssh-agent -s) > /dev/null
- register your private key in ssh agent:
ssh-add path_to/your_private_key
you can now enjoy using ssh forwarding:
ssh -A ec2@bastion_host_ip
then, from bastion host (N.B. no need to provide -i/upload private key):
ssh ec2-user@ec2_private_ip