A PHP wrapper for NZ Post API
$parcel = new ParcelAddress(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
Returns a list of suggested domestic addresses for an address fragment.
$parcel->searchForAddress(address, count);
Returns the detailed information for a single domestic address identifier.
Returns the detailed information for a single dpid.
Returns a list of suggested domestic suburbs for a suburb fragment.
$parcel->searchForSuburbs(address, count);
Returns a list of parcel collection points nearest to the coordinates provided.
$parcel->getCollectionLocations(lat, long, count);
Returns a list of suggested addresses for a given country code and address fragment.
$parcel->searchForInternationalAddress(address, country_code, count);
Returns the detailed information for a single international address identifier.
This resource is intended to be used in conjunction with the Get International Address Detail resource.