The help desk software for small companies which are into customer support.
Project is Developed in ASP.NET MVC with SQL Server DatabaseAn alternative Commercial License can be purchased for projects and applications requiring support. Please visit for details.
- Login
- Create User
- Create Ticket
- Dashboard with Status Counts
- View All Tickets
- Ticket History
- Knowledgebase
- Delete & Restore Ticket
- Replying on Ticket
- Reports
- Escalation
- Notification
- Masters
- View All Roles
- Managing Menu Category,Menu,SubMenu
- Adding and Managing Users (Users, Agent, Agentadmin, Hod, Admin)
- Setting up SMTP
- General settings
- Adding Holiday and Managing it
- Configuring Business Hours
- Assign Category and Business Hours to AgentAdmin & HOD
- Configuring SLA policies
- Setting Default Ticket Count for Agents and Auto Closing Ticket Hours
- Managing Cache
- Auto process of ticket Allocation , Notification ,Overdue,Escalation,Closing
Entire Application using Microsoft visual studio 2015 with SQL Server 2019. Frame worked used is ASP.NET MVC 5 and language is C# and Dapper, Entity Framework as ORM and Repository Pattern. Microsoft visual studio 2015 with Update 3.
- AutoMapper
- CaptchaMvc
- EPPlus
- Unity
- Unity.Mvc
- EntityFramework
- Bootstrap
- SHA512