Hello Every One I'm a ❤️er who is trying to bulid Machine Learning libaray in
, I really excited to create Machine Learning Library in JavaScript
If you are interested to contribute here, please visit this page !!!
we need only one libraries as the preprequisites
👉 mathjs
npm install mathjs
data is the containing of the inbuilt datasets, you can wotk with the datasets directly from the repository
Engine is about containing the many types of the Files, loading the data, preprocessing the data, textCount...
Here we are going to deal with many mathmatical functions by using JS Linearalgebra, n dimentional data etc...
👉 LinalgJS
- 👉 determinant
- 👉 det function
- 👉 invDet
- 👉 mat
- 👉 determinant
👉 ndJS
- 👉 array_split
- 👉 linSpace
- 👉 ndArithmetic
- 👉 ndMul
- 👉 ndOnes
- 👉 ndZeros
- 👉 ndRandom
- 👉 ndRange
- 👉 ndReshape
- 👉 ndSearch
- 👉 ndSearchSort
👉 Regression
👉 Classification
👉 clustering
👉 Feel free to give a star for the repository ⭐⭐⭐
Now Numerical was going to Update By Agust 15th,Very soon will release with all the ML algorithmns ✌️✌️✌️
yes we have
npm i oxygenjs
it will update into the module by 22nd August, completely find the link here