Welcome to the Airbnb Clone project! This application is a modern, responsive front-end clone of the popular Airbnb platform, built using Next.js 14, React, and pure CSS. This project demonstrates a strong understanding of front-end development principles, responsive design, and state management.
- Seamless Navigation: Utilizes Next.js 14 routing for smooth transitions between pages.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a great user experience on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- User-Friendly Interface: Clean and intuitive UI, making it easy for users to navigate the application.
- Favorites Functionality: Users can save their favorite listings with a simple click.
- Detailed Property Listings: Each property includes detailed information, images, and user reviews.
- Next.js 14 π
- Purpose: A React framework for server-rendered applications, providing a seamless development experience.
- Key Features:
- File-based routing
- Automatic code splitting for faster page loads
- Server-side rendering capabilities for better SEO
- React Hook Form π
- Purpose: Simplifies form handling in React applications.
- Key Features:
- Easy integration with various form validation libraries
- Optimized for performance by minimizing re-renders
- Redux Toolkit π¦
- Purpose: A powerful library for managing global state in applications.
- Key Features:
- Simplifies state management with a structured approach
- Includes powerful middleware for handling async actions and side effects
- React-Select ποΈ
- Purpose: A flexible and customizable dropdown component.
- Key Features:
- Allows for complex selections, including multi-select and async options
- Easily styled to match the application's design
- react-date-range π
- Purpose: A date range picker for selecting check-in and check-out dates.
- Key Features:
- Highly customizable and user-friendly interface
- react-icons π¨
- Purpose: Provides a set of icons to enhance the UI.
- Usage: Icons are used throughout the application to visually represent actions and improve user interaction.
- world-countries π
- Purpose: A package to provide country data for various functionalities.
- Usage: Used to enable country selection features in forms.
Here are some screenshots of the application. (Add your images here)
Choose Country or Place in Map
No. if Rooms,Bathrooms,Guests
Upload Property Image
Title and Description of Property
Single Property Image
Login Model
Register Model
MacBook Air
Single Propery MackBook Air
Galaxy Fold
Galaxy Fold Single Property Image
IPhone 13 Pro
IPhone 13 Pro Single Property
IPhone 5
git clone https://github.com/sahilTiwariiii/Airbnb-Clone
cd Airbnb-Clone
npm install
To start the development server, run:
npm run dev
Open your browser and go to: http://localhost:3000
- This project is a frontend-only application without a backend.
- While all features are designed for a seamless user experience, functionalities like booking or user authentication are simulated for demonstration purposes.
You can access the live version of the Airbnb Clone here: π Live Demo
The Airbnb Clone project showcases my skills in modern web development using Next.js, React, and CSS. With a focus on performance, responsiveness, and user experience, this project serves as a strong example of my capabilities as a frontend developer.
This project does not include a backend service, and all data is static. The use of libraries is aimed at enhancing the user experience and interface without compromising the core functionalities of the application.