- Building
- Windows Users
- Docker Elastic Search and Redis Setup
- Initializing Elasticsearch with data
- Running OpenESSENCE
- Map Setup
These requirements are only needed where you will be running Node. If you are going to be developing side a VM, you can jump down to the Vagrant portion. If developing locally, you'll want to make sure the below pre-requisites are present.
Node.js 4.8.3, nvm recommended for installing this version
Elasticsearch 2.4 - Required
Vagrant - OPTIONAL, unless using to run Docker in a VM
Redis - OPTIONAL, needed for persistent sessions between restarts
Docker Compose - OPTIONAL
Python 2.7 - OPTIONAL, needed for Docker-Compose
To build OpenESSENCE, you first need to install Node.js 4.8.3, gulp
, and bower
npm install -g gulp bower@1.7.9
Bower 1.7.9 is used to avoid an issue where it will randomly fail (travis-ci/travis-ci#6014)
The quickest way to get started is to then run
npm install
bower install
This will install all necessary dependencies, run a build, start the server, and launch OpenESSENCE in your web browser. Default credentials are admin/admin.
If the bower install
fails due to a file being locked, try the following commands. This is not a mandatory step.
bower cache clean
bower install --force
bower prune
Run gulp build
at least once. You can run gulp server to re-build script everytime, or you can simply run node server.js
(after seeing Elasticsearch) to quickly start the server and
still have auto-refresh on HTML, javascript, and css changes.
Copy config/settings.default.js to config/settings.js. You'll be able to modify any node settings through here.
Unless you decide to install Docker Toolbox for Windows (Windows 7) or Docker for Windows (Windows 10), you'll need to either
1.) Install Elasticsearch for Windows. Redis isn't natively supported on Windows, but you can utilize Node's in-memory session storage to avoid having to use it. If you want to use Redis (after getting it installed in some way), just un-comment out the following line in the settings.js
//settings.session.store = 'redis'
2.) Run the following vagrant command to bring up Elasticsearch and Redis in Docker inside the VM. Sometimes this is a cleaner option. You'll then want to go to Initializing Elasticsearch with data
vagrant up windows_development
If you choose to install Docker for Windows, you'll need to run the docker commands in the Docker Elastic Search and Redis Setup section
This is only needed if you are using Docker natively and not running the Vagrant target in the Windows Users section
Make sure your Docker service is up (usually systemctl start docker) and run the following commands to start Elasticsearch
sudo docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --restart=always -v "$PWD/data":/usr/share/elasticsearch/data -v "$PWD/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml":/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml --privileged --name elasticsearch elasticsearch:2.4-alpine
sudo docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --restart=always --name redis redis:alpine
If you need the delete-by-query functionality then run the following command to install the ES plugin
sudo docker exec -it elasticsearch bin/plugin install delete-by-query
After you've installed Node, built OpenESSENCE, setup Elasticsearch (and optionally Redis) you can start OpenESSENCE with the following command
node server.js
If you are developing locally with a fresh Elasticsearch instance or Docker container, use the following command to initialize ES with default data
node server/migrations/reseed
When you update a .json file in the server/migrations directory, or you pull a change to a .json file in server/migrations, you'll want to clean and reseed the database using the following commands
node server/migrations/clean
node server/migrations/reseed
This is a completely OPTIONAL step
By default we do not use a background map layer. However, we do use Leaflet for our mapping. If you want to set up a proper GIS base layer, use the following guide from OpenMapTiles to set up the tile server.
The quickest way to set up the tileserver is by running
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:80 klokantech/tileserver-gl
You can then edit the settings.js file to center on the correct lat/lon and set the tile server URL. (below are the defaults for the example data)
settings.MAP_URL = "'http://localhost:8080/styles/klokantech-basic/rendered/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'"
settings.MAP_LATITUDE = '41.4925'
settings.MAP_LONGITUDE = '-99.9018'