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Nuxt Apollo Client Module

A Nuxt module for integrating Apollo Client with SSR and codegen support.


  • Apollo Client integration with Nuxt 3
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) support
  • GraphQL Code Generator integration
  • Multiple client support
  • File Upload support
  • Automatic token management
  • Automatic type generation for queries and mutations
  • Auto-imports for generated composables and types
  • Production-ready 📦


npm install nuxt-apollo-client
# or
yarn add nuxt-apollo-client

Everything is set up for you: 🚀

  • No need to install Apollo Client or GraphQL codegen packages
  • All necessary dependencies will be automatically handled
  • Apollo Client configuration is done for you

Minimal Configuration

1. Add nuxt-apollo-client to the modules section of your nuxt.config.ts:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-apollo-client'],
  apollo: {
    endPoints: {
      default: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
      // Don't change the 'default' key as it is used for the default client
      // Add more endpoints as needed
    // Optional configurations
    prefix: 'I',
    tokenKey: 'token',
    gqlDir: 'graphql',
2. Create a graphql directory in your project root and add your GraphQL queries and mutations as .ts files.
// graphql/meQuery.ts
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export const meQuery = gql`
  query me {
    me {

// graphql/deletePostMutation.ts
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export const deletePostMutation = gql`
  mutation deletePost($id: ID!) {
    deletePost(id: $id) {


Use auto-generated composables in your Vue component via auto-imports or import them using the #graphql alias.

Server-side Query (SSR)

Want to fetch data on the server? Just use the await keyword with your query:

<script setup>
const { result, loading, error, refetch } = await useMeQuery()

  <div>Welcome, {{ result?.me?.name }}!</div>

This way, your data is ready when the page loads. Great for SEO and initial page load performance!

Client-side Query

For queries that don't need server-side rendering, simply remove the await:

const { result, loading, error, refetch } = useMeQuery();


<script setup lang="ts">
const { mutate, loading, error, onDone, onError } = useDeletePostMutation()

const handleDelete = async (id: string) => {
  await mutate({ id })
  // Handle successful deletion

Configuration Options

Customize it in your nuxt.config.ts file:

Option Type Description Default
endPoints Record<string, string> GraphQL endpoint URLs { default: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql' }
prefix string Prefix for generated types 'I'
tokenKey string Key for storing the authentication token 'token'
plugins string[] Additional plugins for codegen []
pluginConfig object Additional configuration for codegen plugins {}
gqlDir string Directory for GraphQL files 'graphql'
runOnBuild boolean Run codegen on build false
enableWatcher boolean Enable file watcher for codegen true
setContext function Set context for codegen ({operationName, variables, token}) => any
memoryConfig InMemoryCacheConfig Memory cache config for Apollo Client {}
useGETForQueries boolean Use GET for queries false
apolloClientConfig ApolloClientOptions<any> Apollo Client config null
apolloUploadConfig ApolloUploadClientOptions Apollo Upload Client config `{}
refetchOnUpdate boolean Smartly Refetch queries on component, page, or route changes, ideal for dynamic data-driven apps. false
refetchTimeout number Time in milliseconds to wait before refetching a query after a component, page, or route change. 10000


Function Description Syntax
setToken Sets the token in the cookie setToken({ key(optional), token, options })
getToken Gets the token from the cookie getToken(key(optional))
removeToken Removes the token from the cookie removeToken(key(optional), options)
loadApolloClients Initializes Apollo Clients for use outside components loadApolloClients()


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.