Go Trigger is a global event trigger for golang. Define an event with a task specified to that event and Trigger it from anywhere you want.
$ go get -u github.com/sadlil/go-trigger
go get
the package. go to the package directory in your $GOPATH/src.
Change the tag using git.
go install
the package.
$ go get -u github.com/sadlil/go-trigger
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/sadlil/go-trigger
$ git checkout tags/<tag_name>
$ go install
Currently available Tags
- v0.01
- Global event with unique key Id.
- Trigger Event,
- List Events,
- Clear and Delete Events,
- Trigger event in background,
- Local Event,
- Thread Safe Mutex Lock.
Import the package into your code. Add the events with trigger.On
And call that event handler with trigger.Fire
method. All the event added
like this will be global events. You can call Fire
from anywhere.
package main
import (
func main() {
trigger.On("first-event", func() {
// Do Some Task Here.
You can define Your events from another package
trigger.On("second-event", packagename.FunctionName)
You can Define events with parameteres and return types.
func TestFunc(a, b int) int {
return a + b
// Call them using
trigger.On("third-event", TestFunc)
values, err := trigger.Fire("third-event", 5, 6)
// IMPORTANT : You need to type convert Your Returned Values using
// values[0].Int()
You can define your event in one package and trigger it another package. Your event and triggers are global.
Define anywhere, fire anywhere. You can define any function in any package as event u only need to
import the function's specified package where you defien the event. Where You trigger the event You do not
need to import it there.
package a
func AFunction(one, two int) int {
return one + two
package b
import (
func() {
trigger.On("new-event", a.AFunction)
package c
import (
func() {
values, err := trigger.Fire("new-event", 10, 10)
// You don't need to import package a here.
You can run events in background with `FireBackground()`
func main() {
trigger.On("first-event", func() {
for i := 1; i <= 1000; i++ {
channel, err := trigger.FireBackground("first-event")
fmt.Println("Event runs")
//read the returned channel
values := <- channel
fmt.Println("Running 2nd Event")
#### 2. Local Events
Trigger instance that will not effecct the global event. All event added to
an local event instace can call only via this trigger instance. This is
implementation of plugable `Trigger` interface.
Create a local trigger instance,
package main
import (
func main() {
t := trigger.New()
t.On("first-event", func() {
// Do Some Task Here.
// t2 is another trigger instance that will be separate from t1.
t2 := trigger.New()
t2.On("first-event", func() {
// Do Some Task Here.
**All other methods are availabe on any local trigger instance**
### Available methods
On(event string, task interface{}) error
- Add a Event. task must be function. Throws an error if the event is duplicated.
Fire(event string, params ...interface{}) ([]reflect.Value, error)
- Fires the task specified with the event key. params are the parameter and
[] is the returned values of task. Fire Triggers the event and wait for it to
end until it goes to execute the following codes.
FireBackground(event string, params ...interface{}) (chan []reflect.Value, error)
- Fires the task specified with the event key. Unlike Fire it runs the event in
background in go routine. It triggers the event but does not wait for the event
to end. It writes the returned values of the event in a channel and returns the
channel of reflect.Values. You can get the returned values by reading the
channel (IE. ret := <- returned channel).
- As FireBackground does not wait for the event to end first, if your program
exits it will stop any running event that did not finishes. So make sure your
background events exits before ending the program.
Clear(event string) error
- Delete a event from the event list. throws an error if event not found.
- Deletes all event from the event list.
HasEvent(event string) bool
- Checks if a event exists or not. Return true if the event list have a event with
that key. false otherwise.
Events() []string
- Returns all the events added.
EventCount() int
- Returns count of the events. If none found return 0;
### Under Development Features
1. Add support of Methods on structs events.
2. Multiple event handler for a event.
### Licence
Licenced under MIT Licence
##### Any Suggestions and Bug Report will be gladly appreciated.