Hello There! I am Sachin Ronson Dsilva pursuing 2nd year BE under Information Science and Enginnering at NMAM Insitute of Technology,Nitte
Key features of the project:
Graphical User Interface (GUI): The application utilizes the Swing and AWT packages to create an interactive GUI for user interaction.
Currency Exchange Rates: The system regularly updates the currency exchange rates for five countries:
USA (Dollars), UK (Pound Sterling), IND (Indian Rupee), France (Euro), and UAE (Dirham)
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Conversion Options: The user is presented with five options corresponding to different currency systems. These options allow the user to select the desired conversion, such as converting from Dollars to Rupees.
Amount Conversion: Users can input the amount they wish to convert from one currency to another. The application processes the input and calculates the converted amount based on the selected currency conversion rate.
Overall, the "CURRANOVA - A CURRENCY CONVERTER SYSTEM" project is a Java-based GUI application developed using the Swing library. It incorporates currency exchange rate updates, allows users to select conversion options, enter amounts to be converted, and displays the converted values. The project involves Java programming, GUI design using Swing, currency conversion logic, data storage, error handling, documentation, and testing to create a robust and user-friendly currency converter system.