- Fonts on Xfce (Chinese chars and emojis)
- maketecheasier.com
- zeerd.com
Chinese characters:
- Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt install ibus-sunpinyin
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
sudo apt install fonts-wqy-zenhei
ibus-daemon -d
- Log out and log back in
- Arch (some packages from AUR via
):yay -S ibus-sunpinyin
yay -S wqy-zenhei
- Log out and log back in
- Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt install ttf-ancient-fonts
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:eosrei/fonts
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fonts-emojione-svginot
- Log out and log back in
- Arch (some packages from AUR via
):yay -S ttf-ancient-fonts
yay -S ttf-joypixels
- Log out and log back in
Note 1: Japanese characters are also rendering properly, but I only tested this after installing the above packages.
Note 2: I also tried to change fontconfig's configuration files and also added my own with no success.