Wrapper API for the ruleof40.trade webapp. Returns the current and historic list of Rule of 40 stocks and includes scores and relevant dates etc.
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- Get the current Rule of 40 list
- Get historic Rule of 40 data:
- At any date since 2010-01-01
- The full Rule of 40 history of any symbol since 2010-01-01
Use the following pip command:
pip install ruleof40
Returns the current list of Rule of 40 stocks, including their Rule of 40 score
get_hist_per_date(date:datetime = None, cookies=None)
Returns the list of Rule of 40 stocks for the given date
get_hist_per_symbol(symbol:str, cookies=None)
Returns the Rule of history for the given symbol since 2010-01-01.
- Recorded dates ALL apply to the START of the trading day on that date
from ruleof40 import ruleof40 as r40
from datetime import datetime, date
import pandas as pd
current = r40.get_current()
histdate = r40.get_hist_per_date(datetime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0))
histsym = r40.get_hist_per_symbol('ADBE')