Releases: rztprog/broll-youtube-thumbnail
Releases · rztprog/broll-youtube-thumbnail
- Changed the modal from "display: none" to "modal.remove()" in hideModal() and added a guard clause in downloadModal() to prevent the modal bug when re-downloading the same thumbnail.
- Moved the options "Don't open" and "Autodownload" from browser_action to right-click: "Download" / "Open in".
- Added the "Copy image to clipboard" function (Available only on Chrome, Firefox does not support it yet).
- Added the ability to change the output file name.
- Removed the webNavigation permission (Not needed for communication between background script and content script).
- Removed the downloads permission for Google Chrome (Not needed).
Removed clipboardWrite permission (copy to clipboard) on Chrome and Firefox
Added showProgression to settings
Added missing translations
Added dontOpen and autoDownload functions
Added 'downloads' permission
Added 'webNavigation' permission for communication between the background script and the content script
Added languages (Spanish and German)
Added "Save As" window functionality
Added a popup on the thumbnail when the thumbnail creation is in progress
Fixed the legend error in the "Settings" fieldset