New Features:
Added FULayout protocol that can build layout views using either VariadicView or a built in .forEach function.
Added custom layouts: HMasonry, VMasonry, VStackFULayout, HStackFULayout, and ZStackFULayout.
Added a type-erasing AnyLayout.
Added FlippingView and TwoSidedView.
Added accessibility actions to TabMenuView actions for reselect and double tap.
Changes and fixes:
HFlow and VFlow have changed from views to FULayout and now support various alignments.
Removed VGridMasonry (use VMasonry FULayout instead)
Changed .rotationMatchingOrientation view modifier to AutoRotatingView.
Fixed bugs in SmartScrollView
Changed SmartScrollView optionalScrolling and shrinkToFit defaults to true.
Changed WidgetRelativeShape for iOS 16 so that it no longer makes adjustments on iPads as Apple had fixed the bug that required it.
Added widget sizes to align with Apple's latest size specifications.
Fixed TabMenuView onReselect and onDoubleTap to use NamedAction instead of just a closure so they can support accessibility actions.
Fixed TabMenuView onReselect so it won't trigger alongside onDoubleTap.
Changed TabMenuView onDoubleTap so it only works on the selected tab.
Removed FixWidgetPreviewAlignmentBug as it is no longer an issue in Xcode.
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