Project Title: Litter Bug
Target Browsers: iOS - iPhone SE, MacOS - MacBook Pro Retina Display
API: LitterTRAK -
Visualization: Graphs litter cleanup based on watersheds in Prince George's County
JS Libraries: Chart.js v0.2.1
Frameworks/Extensions: Default CSS through Visual Studio Code, Intellicode v1.2.30, ESLint v2.4.0, Prettier v9.12.0
This project displays the amount of times litter is cleaned up in different watersheds in Prince George's County.
This is intended to aid lawmakers in Prince George's County in tackling where cleanup is needed most based on watersheds.
This is all done to try and combat the impact that litter and garbage buildup has on the Chesapeake Bay.
Attempt 1 Folder:
Contains old versions and attempts of this project that are no longer in use
Contains the base layout of the page
css folder:
Contains style.css:
Contains the formatting, coloring, and aesthetics of the page
js folder:
Contains script.js:
Contains the functionality of the page, including the search bar, button functionality, loading, and graphing features.
images folder:
Contains pgc.png:
Contains the png used in displaying the Prince George's County Seal.