Neard is an Integrated Web Development Tools environment combining :
- Apache
- MariaDB
- Node.js
- Filezilla
- GitList, an elegant and modern git repository viewer.
- phpMyAdmin to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web.
- Webgrind, the Xdebug Profiling Web Frontend in PHP.
- WebSVN, an Online subversion repository browser.
- Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP.
- A command prompt with Console2 and TCC/LE.
- Git support with PortableGit.
- Imagick binaries.
- SVN binaries.
- XDebugClient, a simple frontend for XDebug.
And many other features.
- WSH (Windows Script Host) : Open a command prompt and type
to check. - SETX : Open a command prompt and type
setx /?
to check. - Be Admin user.
- Download and install the latests Visual C++ Redistributables Packages (x86).
- Download and install Windows Support Tools.
Neard is available on SourceForge :
- Latest release : Neard 1.0.11 (2014/08/14)
- Patches : to migrate from older release to the latest.
- Addons : other versions of binaries (Apache, PHP, MYSQL, MariaDB, etc...).
- Tools : useful tools for Neard.
- Archives : all releases.
Stay up-to-date with the latest release of Neard by subscribe to this feed.
- Just extract the ZIP file where you want.
Edit the configuration file neard.conf
- appLogsVerbose - Control the debug output (0=simple, 1=report, 2=debug). Default :
- appPurgeLogsOnStartup - Purge logs from Neard logs folder (0=false, 1= true). Default
- lang - Language (see core\langs folder for a complete list). Default :
- timezone - The default timezone used by all date/time functions. Default :
- notepad - The editor while opening files. Default :
Launch neard.exe
Neard is open for everyone to contribute. Please give us some feedback and join the development!
Please search for existing issues first and make sure to include all relevant information. Before reporting an issue, please :
- Tell me what is your operating system and platform (eg. Windows 7 64-bits).
- Tell me your Neard version (eg. 1.0.0).
- Close Neard.
- Change this variable in the
fileappLogsVerbose = 2
. - Launch Neard and reproduce your problem.
- Close Neard.
- Zip the
folder and a screenshot of your issue. - Upload the zip file on a file hosting system like Sendspace.
- Add the link of the uploaded file to the issue.
I have put in a lot of time to this project and appreciate donations.
You can use the Paypal donate link.
Thank you to everyone who has donated, it is much appreciated.
You want to help me and participate in the development or the documentation? Just fork Neard and send me a pull request.
If you want to translate Neard in your language, just follow these steps.
for more details.