Today, saving Christmas involved parsing data from scratchcard games. The biggest challenge for me was time. I began working on this one in the afternoon of the 4th and as I glanced out the window in hopes of spotting a dog I saw elderly neighbor on the ground. The wind had toppled her over and fractured her shoulder, so instead of coding I took care of getting her cleaned up and off to the hospital. A very important lesson from that experience: there is a very good reason you never see medical professionals run to help. The adrenaline rush doesn't make anything easier and you're not much use when you can't catch your breath.
I'd like to come back and refactor this one to make my list selections neater. I know there must be a very concise regex to select each list of numbers rather than applying several different slices and splices as I did.
Otherwise, I found the task fairly straightforward.
Task 2 was a good reminder of the importance of taking your time to read the directions. I first coded the challenge to add up all of the points according to the total of all the duplicated game cards. Whew! The actual goal, however, was to simply count the number of cards. I enjoyed practicing a list comprehension for this.