1. Array
2. String
3. Stack
- [AG-1.1] Reversing elements of an Array
- [AG-1.2] Removing even integers of an Array
- [AG-1.3] Finding second min/max value of an Array
- [AG-1.4] Moving zeros to end/beginning of an Array
- [AG-1.5] Finding missing number in an Array
- [AG-1.6] Merging two sorted Arrays
- [AG-1.7] Finding first non repeating value in an Array
- [AG-1.8] Rearranging Array alternating positive and negative values
- [AG-1.9] Finding product of elements of an Array except self
- [AG-1.10] Finding all triplets of an Array that sum to a specific target
- [AG-1.11] Finding indexes of the two integers that sum to a specific target
- [AG-1.12] Finding max sum of any contiguous subarray with a specific size
- [AG-1.13] Rearranging sorted Array in max-min
- [AG-1.14] Sorting square values of an Array
- [AG-1.15] Rotating Array to the right by a specific number of times
- [AG-2.1] Reversing a String
- [AG-2.2] Checking if a String is a valid palindrome
- [AG-2.3] Counting occurrences of a character in a String without using loop
- [AG-2.4] Checking if two Strings are anagrams
- [AG-2.5] Counting words of a String
- [AG-2.6] Printing length of each word of a String
- [AG-2.7] Checking if a String is a pangram sentence (uses every letter of the alphabet)
- [AG-2.8] Implementing toLowerCase() function
- [AG-2.9] Reversing only letters of a String
- [AG-2.10] Checking if a certain sequence is a valid subsequence of a String
- [AG-3.1] Reversing a String
- [AG-3.2] Creating new Array with next greater element
- [AG-3.3] Checking if a String has valid parentheses
- [AG-3.4] Removing all adjacent duplicates in a String
- [AG-3.5] Sorting Stack such that smallest elements are on the top (using only one extra Stack)
- [AG-3.6] Implementing Stack that supports getMin() and getMax() integer values
- [AG-3.7] Evaluating postfix expression using a Stack
1. Stack
2. Queue
3. Singly LinkedList
4. Doubly LinkedList
5. Circular LinkedList
- [DS-1.1] Creating Stack and implementing isEmpty(), length() and toString()
- [DS-1.2] Implementing push(), pop() and peek()
- [DS-2.1] Creating Queue and implementing isEmpty(), length() and toString()
- [DS-2.2] Implementing enqueue(), dequeue(), first() and last()