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Releases: rvelhote/librockpaperscissor

Hawaii Brass

01 Nov 18:47
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Updates the composer package name to some more to my liking.

Blue Rebound

17 Oct 20:40
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Just did a mass refactoring of the namespace from Bałwan to Welhott. I am no longer a bałwan ;)

Copper Tulip

13 Sep 20:55
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Massive refactoring of the library. The Player class is now the Move class. While developing a project to use this library I came to the conclusion that using player names was not necessary; that is a detail for the application that is using the library. The library should be the game engine that makes the rules and results.

Pascal Axe

19 Jun 15:25
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I am happy with this little library so I am finally tagging v1.0. If you happen to find this I am happy to get your feedback and improvement suggestions.

Sunless Pyromania

05 May 22:17
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Sunless Pyromania Pre-release

The library is quite usable but I still have stuff to improve.