Implementation for 2021 SIGMOD Paper Allign: Aligning All-Pair Near-Duplicate Passages in Long Texts main function for allign
segtree.h: implementation for segment tree
utils.hpp: some implemented interfaces for allign
stopwords.txt: some stop words should be removed from the source and suspicious document
source-document01256.txt: one example source document
suspicious-document00001.txt: one example suspicious document
makefile: file for code compilation
First, generate the executable file:
make allign
One executable example here:
./allign -docFileName source-document01256.txt -queryFileName suspicious-document00001.txt -theta 0.5 -tau 50 -k 100
For the example here, it takes around ten seconds to generate the ouptut
-docFileName: path to source document file
-queryFileName: path to suspicious document file
-theta: given threshold for jaccard similarity
-tau: minimum range for a compact window
-k: num of hash functions