Rust CDC 客户端。 是MySQL binlog解析器的干净、方便的 Rust实现,
包括对MySQL 5.6/5.7/8.0中引入的JSONB类型的支持。
其主要目的是处理基于行的日志记录消息, 已经针对(MySQL)5.6、5.7和8.0进行了测试。
- 仅支持标准身份验证插件mysql_native_password和caching_sha2_password。
- 目前,该库不支持SSL加密。
- 不处理拆分数据包(16MB及以上)。
为了降低执行错误的概率并改进功能特征, 我们统一了Rust工具链的版本,并切换了以下命令:
rustup default nightly
您可以在 rustup toolchain list
+-- binlog: binlog 事件解析的能力实现
+-- binlog-Adapter: binlog 事件数据结构转中立数据输出实现
-- log: 默认的binlog数据的日志输出
-- relay_log: 默认的binlog数据的中继日志输出
+-- binlog_cli: CLI 客户端
+-- common: 基本类型定义
+-- conf: 工程默认配置文件
+-- connection: 提供 MySQL/PostgreSQL/MariaDB 的连接能力和binlog订阅能力
+-- doc: 文档
+-- memory: 内存分配器
+-- raft: raft 协议(Broker Impl)
+-- relay_log: 中继日志
+-- replayer: 启动入口
+-- rpc: rpc 协议
+-- sink: 中继数据推送至Broker的服务
+-- slave: 提供mysql slave 伪装能力与dump能力
+-- tests: 测试用例
# cargo tree
cargo build
Caused by:
process didn't exit successfully: `mysql-cdc-rs\target\debug\build\openssl-sys-94071a3d762a0669\build-script-main` (exit code: 101)
--- stdout
running "perl" "./Configure" "--prefix=/mysql-cdc-rs/target/debug/build/openssl-sys-5ad9f46fc53da764/out/openssl-build/install" "--openssldir=SYS$MANAGER:[OPENSSL]" "no-dso" "no-shared" "no-ssl3" "no-tests" "no-comp" "no-zlib" "no-zlib-dynamic" "--libdir=lib" "no-md2" "no-rc5" "no-weak-ssl-ciphers" "no-camellia" "no-idea" "no-seed" "no-capieng" "no-asm" "VC-WIN64A"
Error configuring OpenSSL build:
Command: "perl" "./Configure" "--prefix=/mysql-cdc-rs/target/debug/build/openssl-sys-5ad9f46fc53da764/out/openssl-build/install" "--openssldir=SYS$MANAGER:[OPENSSL]" "no-dso" "no-shared" "no-ssl3" "no-tests" "no-comp" "no-zlib" "no-zlib-dynamic" "--libdir=lib" "no-md2" "no-rc5" "no-weak-ssl-ciphers" "no-camellia" "no-idea" "no-seed" "no-capieng" "no-asm" "VC-WIN64A"
Failed to execute: program not found
说明使用perl程序进行编译配置。 从 下载windows安装包。 安装后,重启命令行终端, 再次build。
See Binlog
是一个基于 Rust 实现的 MySQL binlog 文件解析库, 纯 Rust 实现,无需 mysql-server 库, 但同时也可以订阅 mysql-master-server。
项目的目标是尽量解析 binlog 事件的每个字段。
Parsed events matrix:
Hex | Event Name | Support | Tested | Noted |
0x00 | UNKNOWN_EVENT | support and | not tested | |
0x01 | START_EVENT_V3 | too old and support | not tested | |
0x02 | QUERY_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x03 | STOP_EVENT | support | not tested | |
0x04 | ROTATE_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x05 | INTVAR_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x06 | LOAD_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x07 | SLAVE_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x08 | CREATE_FILE_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x09 | APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x0a | EXEC_LOAD_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x0b | DELETE_FILE_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x0c | NEW_LOAD_EVENT | support | not tested | |
0x0d | RAND_EVENT | support | not tested | |
0x0e | USER_VAR_EVENT | support | not fully tested | |
0x0f | FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x10 | XID_EVENT | not fully support | tested | |
0x11 | BEGIN_LOAD_QUERY_EVENT | not fully support | tested | |
0x12 | EXECUTE_LOAD_QUERY_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x13 | TABLE_MAP_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x14 | PreGaWriteRowsEvent(v0) | not support | not tested | |
0x15 | PreGaUpdateRowsEvent(v0) | not support | not tested | |
0x16 | PreGaDeleteRowsEvent(v0) | not support | not tested | |
0x17 | WRITE_ROWS_EVENTv1 | support | tested | |
0x18 | UPDATE_ROWS_EVENTv1 | support | tested | |
0x19 | DELETE_ROWS_EVENTv1 | support | tested | |
0x1a | INCIDENT_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x1b | HEARTBEAT_EVENT | not fully support | not tested | |
0x1c | IGNORABLE_EVENT | support | not tested | |
0x1d | ROWS_QUERY_EVENT | not fully support | not fully tested | |
0x1e | WRITE_ROWS_EVENTv2 | support | not fully tested | |
0x1f | UPDATE_ROWS_EVENTv2 | support | not fully tested | |
0x20 | DELETE_ROWS_EVENTv2 | support | not fully tested | |
0x21 | GTID_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x22 | ANONYMOUS_GTID_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x23 | PREVIOUS_GTIDS_EVENT | support | tested | |
0x24 | TRANSACTION_CONTEXT_EVENT | not support | not tested | |
0x25 | VIEW_CHANGE_EVENT | not support | not tested | |
0x26 | XA_PREPARE_LOG_EVENT | not support | not tested | |
0x27 | PARTIAL_UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT | not support | not tested | |
0x28 | TRANSACTION_PAYLOAD_EVENT | not support | not tested | |
0x29 | HEARTBEAT_LOG_EVENT_V2 | not support | not tested |