Peakon code challenge. Implementing specified rest api as pr code challenge description.
The challenge was open ended in some regards, so the following choices has been made:
Language: The chosen language is Clojure with a http-kit web server.
Rest API: The rest api url and parameter names are unspecified. They are as follows:
Service Port: 8080 (configurable using HOST_PORT env var)
Service Path: The rest-api is available under
Service Parameters: The service support the following parameters:
- page - requested page index
- per_page - number of items to return per page
Service Values A successful service call will return the following response, where the field names should be self-explanatory (items field replaced with ... for brevity):
{ "items": [...], "items_total": 2, "page": 1, "prev_page": null, "next_page": null, "pages": 1, "per_page": 10, "search-term": "al" }
If Docker is installed, this implementation can be inspected with minimum hassle on a reviewer machine:
$ sudo docker pull runebrinckmeyer/peakon-cc:1.0.0
$ sudo docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 runebrinckmeyer/peakon-cc:1.0.0
Checkout code from this repository.
To run/build the code the following dependencies must be installed:
- Java (8+)
- Leiningen
This project is built using the build tool Leiningen which needs to be installed:
Perform steps described under "Manual Building".
Tests are set up using the standard Clojure test framework. Eftest is added as a test-runner, while the standard test runner is available also.
Use either
$ lein eftest
$ lein test
to run tests.
The tests are divided into:
- Verification of database integrity and query results
- Verification of web-facing routes passing correct parameters
Start service using prebuilt or manual method. Eg either
$ sudo docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 runebrinckmeyer:peakon-cc:1.0.0
$ lein run
Point your browser to http://localhost:8080
to verify that it is running or
test the rest-api directly using eg. curl:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/v1/employee/donald
In case an IDE REPL launcher is not available, a REPL can be started using
$ lein repl
server startup / shutdown is done via the pair of functions:
Running tests from with the REPL:
rest-api.core=> (require '[eftest.runner :refer [find-tests run-tests]])
rest-api.core=> (run-tests (find-tests "test"))
The code pertaining the test is implemented 3 files:
- app.clj
- core.clj
- db.clj
core.clj is responsible for launching the application. app.clj sets up the routes and web server. db.clj contains the loading and prepping of the actual data as well as the search function.
app.clj route /v1/employee/:search-string maps through to search-employee()