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This: Version v1.0.0

Written in Idris 0.9.20

Idris package defining, implementing, and verifying naiive Gaussian elimination over the integers in some system of linear algebra.

  • gaussElimlz gives an instantiation of the algorithm.
    • It is found in Data.Matrix.ZZGaussianElimination.
  • It is formally verified.
  • It is not verified as total.
  • It is implemented in terms of (gaussElimlzIfGCD), a verified elimination algorithm producer, which is total.
  • The lack of verified totality arises from
    • The GCD algorithm's lack of verified totality (it's total by looking at the fixed points of recursion compared to the cases matched on).
    • The choice of modulo operator implementation's lack of verified totality.

Installation & use

Copy the repo's contents (minus the .git folder) into a folder called zzgauss in the libs folder located in the Idris distribution directory.

cd to this folder, then run

idris --build zzgauss.ipkg idris --install zzgauss.ipkg

Then, to use the library from the REPL, you run:

idris -p contrib -p zzgauss Idris> :module Data.Matrix.ZZGaussianElimination Idris> :browse Data.Matrix.ZZGaussianElimination

where the :module call is unnecessary once imported into an Idris module that's loaded.


Main elimination algorithms.


  • Template & usage for do notation pattern matching technique
  • elimFirstCol
  • gaussElimlzIfVectGCD2
  • gaussElimlzIfVectGCD
  • gaussElimlzIfGCD
  • The gaussian elimination instantiation derived from (bezoutZT)
  • Appendix Elim.General.Meta

(gaussElimlz) is a complete algorithm for verified integer gaussian elimination.

(gaussElimlzIfGCD) takes a GCD algorithm as an argument, and produces a gaussian elimination algorithm.

Satellite modules:

  • Data.Matrix.ZZGaussianEliminationLemmas
  • Data.Matrix.ZZGaussianEliminationNoMonad Implementation of (elimFirstCol) without using the do notation dependent pattern matching technique.
  • Control.Algebra.ZZGCDOfVectAlg


Table of Contents:

  • The induction algorithm used to verify first-column elimination
  • Nice things for elimination algorithms to talk about
  • Preliminary arguments to (elimFirstCol)


Structure of (elimFirstCol):

succImplWknStep_Qfunclemma => succImplWknStep_stepQfunc => succImplWknStep_unplumbed => succImplWknStep => foldedFully

(mkQfunc, foldedFully) => elimFirstCol (after some work)


A library for making inferences about when the row echelon property holds for a matrix.

rowEchelon xs, equal to forall i. echTy xs i, is what corresponds to the real life row echelon property of the matrix xs. However, this is not the suitable form for verifying it recursively, and instead toRowEchelon is used to prove it from a rowEchelonPre xs, which is a forall i. echPreTy xs i.

Table of contents:

  • ZZ proofs
  • Vect/Matrix proofs
  • The leading nonzero of a vector
  • DANRZ property
  • Corollary bispannability property
  • Row echelon properties


Bezout's identity / GCD (Greatest Common Denominator) algorithms / the euclidean algorithm.

Table of contents:

  • Lemmas for verifying the euclidean algorithm (bezoutsIdentityZZIfModulo)
  • (bezoutsIdentityZZIfModulo) implementation
  • (Commentary) "Goal: Separation of algorithm from verification."
  • The GCD derived from (modZT), itself derived from (modNatT).

(bezoutsIdentityZZIfModulo) takes a modulo operator as an argument, and produces a GCD algorithm.

Satellite modules:

  • Control.Algebra.ZZDivisors
  • Data.ZZ.ModuloVerification
  • Data.ZZ.ZZModulo


The extension of a GCD of 2 numbers to that of a Vect of numbers.



  • Definition of the linearly spans relation spanslz between two Vects of Vects of integers (where integers means inhabitants of Data.ZZ).
    • Its maximal symmetric subrelation bispanslz xs ys = (spanslz xs ys, spanslz ys xs).
  • Def. zippyScale, shorthand for a form of linear combination of the rows of a matrix over multiple vectors, as proved extensionally equal to matrix multiplication by timesMatMatAsMultipleLinearCombos in Data.Matrix.LinearCombinations.

Proofs of relational properties of span:

  • Proof of transitivity and reflexivity of spanslz: spanslzrefl, spanslzreflFromEq : (xs=ys) -> xs spanslz ys, spanslztrans.
    • Their analogues for bispanslz, plus proof bispanslzsym it's symmetric, and hence an equivalence relation.

Proofs of algebraic properties of span — elementary row operations of row-addition and row-multiplication, and properties of adding a multiple of one row to another row in particular:

  • spanScalelz : (z : ZZ) -> spanslz xs ys -> spanslz xs (z<#>ys)
  • spanAdd : spanslz xs ys -> spanslz xs zs -> spanslz xs (ys <+> zs)
    • spanSub : spanslz xs ys -> spanslz xs zs -> spanslz xs (ys <-> zs)
  • spanslzAdditiveExchange : spanslz ((y<+>(z<\>xs))::xs) (y::xs)
    • spanslzSubtractiveExchange : spanslz ((y<->(z<\>xs))::xs) (y::xs)
  • spanslzAdditivePreservation : spanslz (y::xs) ((y<+>(z<\>xs))::xs)
    • spanslzSubtractivePreservation : spanslz (y::xs) ((y<->(z<\>xs))::xs)
  • spanRowScalelz : (z : ZZ) -> (updi : Fin n') -> spanslz xs ys -> spanslz xs (updateAt updi (z<#>) ys), which applies updateAtEquality to vectMatLScalingCompatibility : {z : ZZ} -> {rs : Matrix k m ZZ} -> (z <#> la) <\> rs = z <#> (la <\> rs).
  • bispanslzAdditiveExchangeAt : (nel : Fin (S predn)) -> bispanslz (updateAt nel (<+>(z<\>(deleteRow nel xs))) xs) xs, which applies headOpPreservesSpanslzImpliesUpdateAtDoes and headOpPreservesSpannedbylzImpliesUpdateAtDoes to spanslzAdditiveExchange and spanslzAdditivePreservation respectively.
    • bispanslzSubtractiveExchangeAt : (nel : Fin (S predn)) -> bispanslz (updateAt nel (<->(z<\>(deleteRow nel xs))) xs) xs

Proofs of reordering/permutational properties — elementary row operation of row-switching:

  •   -> {xs : Matrix n m ZZ}
      -> spanslz (vectPermTo sigma xs) xs``` — A permutation of a `Vect` of `Vect`s does not change its span.
  • permPreservesSpannedbylz : (sigma : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)) -> spanslz xs (vectPermTo sigma xs) — A permutation of a Vect of Vects does not change its span.
  •   -> spanslz (xs++ys) (ys++xs)```
  •   -> (f : (i : Nat) -> Vect i ZZ -> Vect i ZZ)
      -> ( (la : Vect k ZZ) -> (f k la) <\> rs = f m $ la <\> rs )
      -> zippyScale (updateAt updi (f k) ls) rs = updateAt updi (f m) (zippyScale ls rs)``` — reexpresses a product w/ an updated matrix as an update to the product w/ the un-updated matrix when a similar re-expression is valid for applying the updating function to an arbitrary vector under multiplication by the original non-updating matrix.
  • headOpPreservesSpanslzImpliesUpdateAtDoes — if an operation f can be applied to the head of any matrix and not change what it spans, it can be applied to any row of any matrix and not change what it spans.
  • headOpPreservesSpannedbylzImpliesUpdateAtDoes — if an operation f can be applied to the head of any matrix and not change what spans it, it can be applied to any row of any matrix and not change what spans it.

Proofs of mixed properties, such as those to do w/ the underlying Vect (list) structure's meaning in terms of subspaces:

  • spanslzNeutral : {xs : Matrix n w ZZ} -> spanslz xs Algebra.neutral — every set of vectors spans the zero subspace (Zero matrix as terminal object P1)
    • spanslzHeadCatNeutral : x::xs `spanslz` x::Algebra.neutral
    • spanslzNullRowExtension : spanslz xs (Algebra.neutral::xs)
  • spannedlzByZeroId : {xs : Matrix n m ZZ} -> spanslz [] xs -> xs=neutral — the span of the zero matrix is the zero subspace (Zero matrix as terminal object P2)
    • spansImpliesSameFirstColNeutrality : xs `spanslz` ys -> getCol FZ xs = Algebra.neutral -> getCol FZ ys = Algebra.neutral
  • spanslzRowTimesSelf : spanslz xs [v<\>xs] — row-vector multiples of matrix are, as a 1-vector Vect, spanned by the matrix as a Vect of Vects. Put another way, the value of a linear map at a vector is in the span of the image of the basis under the linear map.
    • spanslzHeadRow : (z : _) -> (zs : _) -> (z::zs) `spanslz` [z]
  • spanslzTail : {xs : Matrix n w ZZ} -> {ys : Matrix (S predn') w ZZ} -> spanslz xs ys -> spanslz xs (Data.Vect.tail ys)
  • extendSpanningLZsByPreconcatTrivially : spanslz xs ys -> spanslz (zs++xs) ys
    • preserveSpanningLZByCons : spanslz xs ys -> spanslz (z::xs) ys
  • extendSpanningLZsByPostconcatTrivially : spanslz xs ys -> spanslz (xs++zs) ys
  • mergeSpannedLZs : spanslz xs ys -> spanslz xs zs -> spanslz xs (ys++zs)
  • concatSpansRellz : spanslz xs zs -> spanslz ys ws -> spanslz (xs++ys) (zs++ws)
  • bispansSamevecExtension : xs `bispanslz` ys -> (v : Vect _ ZZ) -> (v::xs) `bispanslz` (v::ys)
  •   -> ys `bispanslz` map Vect.tail xs
      -> map ((Pos Z)::) ys `bispanslz` xs```

Foundational - algebraic:

  • zippyScaleIsAssociative/timesMatMatIsAssociative — Proofs of zippyScale associativity and the equivalent matrix multiplication (<>) associativity.
    -> {c : Matrix n m ZZ} -> {r : Vect m ZZ} -> l <:> (c</>r) = (l<>c) <:> r``` — RowVect * (Mat * Colvect) = (Rowvect * Mat) * Colvect; the two matrix actions involved in vector-matrix-vector multiplication are compatible. * Informal proof using a custom notation for transcribing the relevant transformations and pieces of the matrix, and the interactions between them, when working w/ sums over matrix indices in the manner required to replicate the traditional proof w/out a general subsequencewise additive associativity law.
  • dotBasisLIsIndex : (v : Vect d ZZ) -> basis i <:> v = index i v/...R... — a vector's _i_th coordinate is the vector's dot product with the basis vector for the _i_th generator/axis.
  • multIdLeftNeutral : (a : Matrix _ _ ZZ) -> Id <> a = a/...Right... — the identity matrix's namesake.
  • idMatSelfTranspose
  •   -> zipWith (<.>) l $ c<+>r = zipWith (<.>) l c <+> zipWith (<.>) l r``` — pointwise vector multiplication is left-distributive over vector addition.
  •   -> (rs : Matrix m n ZZ)
      -> zipWith (<.>) l $ monoidsum rs = monoidsum $ map (zipWith (<.>) l) rs``` — pointwise vector multiplication left-distibutes over a sum over a `Vect` of vectors.
  • monoidsumNeutralIsNeutral1D/...2D — The sum over the zero vector is zero, the sum over the zero matrix is the zero vector.
  • sumTransposeMapRelation : (xs : Matrix n m ZZ) -> monoidsum $ transpose xs = map monoidsum xs — view summing the transpose's row vectors together pointwise as replacing each of the original matrix's rows with their sum.
  •   -> monoidsum $ monoidsum xs = monoidsum $ monoidsum $ transpose xs``` — exchanging/interchanging the order of summation / of two iterated sums / of a double sum. Statement for iterated sums of the generalized associativity-commutativity law (_x_ \+ _y_) \+ (_z_ \+ _w_)=(_x_ \+ _z_) \+ (_y_ \+ _w_). See: `doubleSumInnerSwap`.
      * ```sumSumAsSumMapSum : (xs : Matrix n m ZZ)
      -> monoidsum $ map monoidsum xs = monoidsum $ monoidsum xs``` — equivalent to the above.

Foundational - permutations:

  • vectPermTo : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n) -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
    • vectPermToIndexChariz : index i $ vectPermTo sigma xs = index (runIso sigma i) xs
  • vectPermToRefl : vectPermTo Isomorphism.isoRefl xs = xs
  • vectPermToTrans : vectPermTo (isoTrans sigma tau) xs = vectPermTo sigma $ vectPermTo tau xs
  • vectPermToSym1 : vectPermTo (isoTrans sigma $ isoSym sigma) xs = xs/vectPermToSym2 : vectPermTo (isoTrans (isoSym sigma) sigma) xs = xs
  •   -> {xs : Matrix n m ZZ}
      -> (vectPermTo sigma Id)<>xs = vectPermTo sigma xs``` — Permutation matrices perform permutations on matrices when multiplied with them.
  •   -> (nel1, nel2 : Fin n)
      -> (runIso sigma nel1 = nel2)
      -> Either (Not (runIso sigma nel2 = nel2)) (nel1 = nel2)```
  •   -> (snel : Fin (S n))
      -> Not (snel = FZ)
      -> (runIso sigma snel = FZ)
      -> Not (runIso sigma FZ = FZ)```
  • weakenIsoByValFZ : Iso (Fin (S n)) (Fin (S n)) -> Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)
  •   	* (a : Type)
      	-> (xs : Vect (S predn) a)
      	-> vectPermTo sigma xs = index nel xs :: deleteAt nel xs)``` — The permutation w/c takes the first some elements of a `Vect` and cycles them to one position later.
      * ex: ```> \xs => (getProof $ rotateAt $ 3 `shift` (FZ {k=5})) Char $ ['a','b','c']++xs```
  • Discusses a failed-to-implement system for permuting xs++ys to ys++xs (where xs is a Vect _ a for arbitrary a).
  • Considers swapFZPerm, the permutation which swaps the argument Fin (S _) w/ FZ, but finds the chosen implementation impossible.

Foundational - fins:

  • finReduce : (snel : Fin (S n)) -> Either (Fin n) (FZ = snel)
    • finReduceIsLeft : (z = FS k) -> finReduce z = Left k
    -> (prFZ : z = FZ) -> (pr : FZ {k=predn} = z ** Right pr = finReduce z)```
  • splitFinFS : (i : Fin (S predn)) -> Either ( k : Fin predn ** i = FS k ) ( i = Fin.FZ {k=predn} )
  •   -> Either (k : Fin n ** i = weakenN m k) (k : Fin m ** i = shift n k)```
  • indexConcatAsIndexAppendee : (i : Fin n) -> index (weakenN m i) $ xs++ys = index i xs
  • indexConcatAsIndexAppended : (i : Fin m) -> index (shift n i) $ xs++ys = index i ys
  • FSPreservesBoolEq : (i, j : Fin n) -> (FS i == FS j) = (i == j)
  • eqTrue_Fin : (i, j : Fin n) -> (i=j) -> (i==j)=True
  • notEqFalse_Fin : (i, j : Fin n) -> Not (i=j) -> (i==j)=False

Foundational - other:

  • indexFinsIsIndex : index i $ fins n = i/indexRangeIsIndex : index i Vect.range = i
    • rangeIsFins : Vect.range = Matrix.fins n
  • replaceAtIndexForm1 : (i=j) -> index i $ replaceAt j a v = a/replaceAtIndexForm2 : ((i=j)->Void) -> index i $ replaceAt j a v = index i v
  • idMatIndicesChariz : indices i j Id = kroneckerDelta i j
  • idMatIndexChariz : RingWithUnity a => index i $ Id {a=a} = basis i
    • kroneckerDelta i j = ifThenElse (i==j) Algebra.unity Algebra.neutral
    • kroneckerDeltaSym : RingWithUnity a => kroneckerDelta {a=a} i j = kroneckerDelta {a=a} j i

runIso (MkIso to _ _ _) = to```

  • isoSymIsInvolution : isoSym $ isoSym sigma = sigma
  • runIsoTrans : runIso (isoTrans sigma tau) x = runIso tau $ runIso sigma x
  • runIsoSym1 : runIso (isoTrans sigma $ isoSym sigma) x = x/runIsoSym2 : runIso (isoTrans (isoSym sigma) sigma) x = x


Most significant contents:

  • Proof of definition of vector-matrix multiplication as a linear combination where the vectors under combination are rows of the matrix and the scalar weights are the entries of the same index to the vector under multiplication. timesVectMatAsLinearCombo : (v : Vect n ZZ) -> (xs : Matrix n w ZZ) -> ( v <\> xs = monoidsum (zipWith (<#>) v xs) ).
  • Proof from the above that the definition of matrix multiplication reduces to independent linear combinations of the row vectors of the righthand matrix. timesMatMatAsMultipleLinearCombos : (vs : Matrix (S n') n ZZ) -> (xs : Matrix n w ZZ) -> vs <> xs = map (\zs => monoidsum $ zipWith (<#>) zs xs) vs.
  • Material characterizing iterated summation monoidsum, such as monoidrec1D/...2D, headOfSumIsSumOfHeads, tailOfSumIsSumOfTails, dotproductRewrite.
  • transposeNTail2, which helps characterize the transpose.
  • Algebraic identities proved about matrices and vectors.
    • The dot product is a bilinear map from (ZZ)-(Vect)s to (ZZ) (or at least, proof up to left-right symmetry).
      • Scalar multiplication of the left factor in a vector- or matrix-matrix product is the same as multiplying the product by the same scalar. (Note rel. to bilinearity)
    • ZZ matrices form an algebra. Uses moduleScalarUnityIsUnity. See also: multIdLeftNeutral, multIdRightNeutral, timesMatMatIsAssociative in Data.Matrix.ZZModuleSpan.
    • Distributivities of matrix-matrix, vector-matrix, and matrix-vector multiplication over matrix addition and vector addition.
    • Transposition is an antiendomorphism of multiplication for a commutative ground ring and an endomorphism of addition, hence an antiendomorphism of the matrix ring.
    • Some Algebra.neutral is a zero element / scalar zero proofs.
      • dotCancelsHeadWithLeadingZeroL : (x, y : Vect n ZZ) -> (Algebra.neutral::x)<:>(r::y) = x<:>y/...R — a consequence
      • matMultCancelsHeadWithZeroColExtensionL : (map ((Pos 0)::) xs)<>(z::ys) = xs<>ys — a consequence
      • timesPreservesLeadingZeroExtensionR : xs<>(map ((Pos 0)::) ys) = map ((Pos 0)::) $ xs<>ys — a consequence
    • dotProductCommutative : (x, y : Vect n ZZ) -> x<:>y = y<:>x
    • The behavior & compatibility of the inverse w/ scalar multiplication of Vects or Matrixs.

Additional algebraic:

  • doubleSumInnerSwap : VerifiedAbelianGroup t => (a, b, c, d : t) -> (a<+>b)<+>(c<+>d) = (a<+>c)<+>(b<+>d) — a generalized associativity-commutativity law. ** doubleSumInnerSwap_Vect


  • lemma_VectAddEntrywise : .{n : Nat} -> (ni : Fin n) -> (v, w : Vect n ZZ) -> index ni (v<+>w) = (index ni v)<+>(index ni w)
    • lemma_VectAddHead : (v, w : Vect (S n) ZZ) -> head(v<+>w) = (head v)<+>(head w)
    • lemma_VectAddTail
    • matrixAddEntrywise, matrixAddHead, matrixAddMapHead, matrixAddTail, matrixAddMapTail

Misc foundational



  • A(n) LTRel relation term meant for less-than relations, in an OrdRel class, and a DecLT class for decidable relations, where such an OrdRel whose LTRel x y is occupied will have a decLT x y giving an inhabitant and where unoccupied decLT x y will be a proof of this (some LTRel x y -> Void).
  • An instance of this for Nat, by which Fin n will be ordered indirectly through finToNat.
  • lteToLTERel : {a, b : Nat} -> LTE a b -> LTERel a b, relating FinOrdering's version LTERel of the less-than-or-equal-to relation to LTE, from Prelude, for Nats.
  • zLtSuccIsTrue : (k : Nat) -> LTRel Z (S k)
  • natGtAnyImpliesGtZ — For all natural m and n, m < n implies 0 < n.


Structure of (Fin)s

  • in general
  • in terms of ordering

Of independent interest are (trichotomy) & (ltenatLastIsTrue), which state

  • Forall n, m : Nat, m > n or m <= n.
  • Fin (S n) ~= {x <= last}, using the induced ordering under (finToNat).


Contents: Typeclass instance instance VerifiedRingWithUnity ZZ


  • An integer divisibility relation quotientOverZZ & its properties
  • Interactions between integer divisibility and linear combinations


Table of contents

  • ZZ algebraic theorems
  • Lemmas for (modNatFnIsRemainder)
  • (modNatFnIsRemainder) Generate proofs of the quotient-remainder relation for binary modulo operations on naturals from simpler properties.
  • modZGen - generate a verified ZZ modulo from a verified Nat modulo.


Table of contents

  • Modulo for naturals
  • Lemmas for applying (modNatFnIsRemainder)
  • Derived modulo for ZZ



  • Verified module
  • Verified vector space

Ripped from comments of Classes.Verified, commenting out there coincides with definition of module being in the separate module Control.Algebra.VectorSpace from Control.Algebra.

Typeclass instances:

  • Verified module instance for VerifiedRingWithUnity a => Matrix n m a.
  • No such instance for Vects, but proofs of the required properties.

Trivial identities about (unital) rings:

  • groupOpIsCancellativeL/...R : Group operations are left/right cancellative.
  • Above ..._Vect : Analogues for Vects.
  • neutralSelfInverse
  • groupElemOwnDoubleImpliesNeut : Groups have a unique idempotent, the identity.
  • ringNeutralIsMultZeroL/...R : Ring additive identity is a multiplicative zero.
  • ringNegationCommutesWithLeftMult/...RightMult : a * (- b) = - (a * b) = (- a) * b.


Identities whose proof is particular to ZZ, mainly because of the limitations caused by Issue #24 on GitHub. Some duplicate functionality.


  • zzVecNeutralIsVecPtwiseProdZeroL/...R — the zero vector is a zero of the dot product (<:>). Name is incorrect for the identity stated. Overlaps w/ neutralVectIsDotProductZero_R/...L respectively in Data.Matrix.LinearCombinations.
  • zzVecNeutralIsVecMatMultZero/...MatVec... — likewise of vector-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication. Overlaps w/ neutralVectIsVectTimesZero/emptyVectIsTimesVectZero in Data.Matrix.LinearCombinations respectively.


  • zzVecNeutralIsNeutralL/...R — the zero vector is an identity for vector addition. Overlaps w/ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL_Vect in Data.Matrix.AlgebraicVerified.
  • zzVecScalarUnityIsUnity — scalar multiplication of a Vect _ ZZ by 1 yields the original vector. Overlaps w/ moduleScalarUnityIsUnity_Vect in Data.Matrix.AlgebraicVerified.


A library of properties to do w/ Vects as a structure and functions to/from them, including characterizations of those operations' effects structurally.

  • Theorem vecHeadtailsEq for proving equality of Vects by proving equality of their heads and tails. Often used after headtails.

  • Theorem vecIndexwiseEq for proving equality of Vects by proving indexwise equality of their entries.

  • Theorems characterizing Vects of degenerate qualities.

  • Theorems characterizing the index or head of a Vect created with a certain operation.

  • The theorem weakenedInd about comparing an index of a list to an index of its init.

  • The theorem extensionalEqToMapEq extending an extensional equality between functions to one between their maps over Vects.

  • composeUnderMap w/c proves preservation of function composition for Vect _, what would be functorComposition in a VerifiedFunctor instance.

  • updateDeleteAtChariz : deleteAt i $ updateAt i f xs = deleteAt i xs

  • uniformValImpliesReplicate : ...((i : _) -> index i x = a) -> x = replicate n a

  • Compatibility between the operations of the ring (a) and of (Vect n a) as a module under (index).

  • foldrImplRec — The recursive equation for foldr over Vects. Converts a right fold into a left fold.

  • monoidrec : Monoid a => (v : a) -> (vs : Vect n a) -> sum' (v::vs) = v <+> sum' vs — The recursive equation for sums in (Monoid)s over a (Vect _). Converts a right fold into a left fold.

    • See monoidrec1D/...2D in Data.Matrix.LinearCombinations.


A library of properties to do w/ Matrixs as a structure and functions to/from them, including characterizations of those operations' effects structurally.

  • transposeIsInvolution : transpose $ transpose xs = xs

  • transposeIndicesChariz : {xs : Matrix n m a} -> (i : Fin n) -> (j : Fin m) -> indices j i $ transpose xs = indices i j xs

  • transposeIndexChariz : {xs : Matrix n m a} -> index k $ transpose xs = getCol k xs

    • transposeNHead: head $ transpose xs = map head xs
  • transposeNTail : transpose $ tail $ transpose xs = map tail xs

    • See also: transposeNTail2 in Data.Matrix.LinearCombinations
  • vecMatMultIsTransposeVecMult/matVecIsVecTransposeMult — The special cases of the transpose being an antiendomorphism of matrix multiplication for vector-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication.

  • headVecMatMultChariz — a vector-matrix product as mapped dot product lemma.

  • matMultIndicesChariz : Ring a => {l : Matrix _ _ a} -> {r : Matrix _ _ a} -> indices i j (l<>r) = (index i l)<:>(getCol j r) — the entrywise expression of a matrix product.

  • leadingElemExtensionAsZipWithCons : map (r::) xs = Vect.zipWith Vect.(::) (replicate _ r) xs

    • leadingElemExtensionFirstColReplicate/leadingElemExtensionColFSId — the columns of map (r::) xs. Special cases of map being a VerifiedFunctor.
  • nullcolExtensionEq — If the first column of xs is the zero vector, then xs is the appension of 0 to each of its rows' tails.

  • indexNeutralIsNeutral2D — every row of a zero matrix is the zero vector.