- The Key-Value Abstraction
- Twitter: Tweet ID -> Info about tweet
- Amazon: Item ID -> Info about it
- Chase: Account # -> Info about it
- Kind of like a distributed dictionary/DHT in P2P systems
- Kind of like a database
- Why not use relational DBMS? Mismatch with today's workloads
- Data: Large and unstructured
- Lots of random reads and writes from lots of clients
- Sometimes write-heavy, while RDBMS are often optimized for reads
- Foreign keys rarely needed
- Joins frequent
- Why not use relational DBMS? Mismatch with today's workloads
- Demands of today's workloads
- Speed
- Avoid Single Point of Failure (SPoF)
- Low Total Cost of Operation (TCO)
- Fewer System Administrators
- Incremental Scalability
- Scale out, not up
- Scale up: Grow the cluster capacity by replacing with more powerful machines
- Scale out: Incrementally grow the cluster capacity by adding more COTS machines (Components Of The Shelf, sweet spot on the price curve)
- This is cheaper, and we can phase in/out newer/older machines over a long duration
- NoSQL: Not Only SQL
- Necessary API operations: get(key) and put(key, value)
- There are tables like in RDBMS systems, but they may be unstructured/may not have schemas/don't always support joins/foreign keys, but they can have index tables
- Storage: column-oriented storage
- RDBMS stores an entire row together (on disk or at a server)
- NoSQL systems store a column (or groups of columns) together
- Entries within a column are indexed and easy to locate given a key (and vice versa)
- This makes ranged searches within a column faster (as we don't need to fetch the entire database)
- E.g., get me all the blog_ids from the blog table that were updated within the past month
- Data placement strategies
- SimpleStrategy
- RandomPartitioner: Chord-like hash partitioning
- ByteOrderedPartitioner: Assigns ranges of keys to servers, easier for range queries
- NetworkTopologyStrategy: For multi-DC deployments
- Two/three replicas per DC
- Per DC: The first replica is placed according to partitioner, then go clockwise until you hit a different rack
- SimpleStrategy
- Snitches: Maps IPs to racks and DCs
- SimpleSnitch: Unaware of topology/rack
- RackInferring: Assumes network topology by octet of server's IP address
- = x.<DC octet>.<rack octet>.<node octet>
- PropertyFileSnitch: Uses a config file
- EC2Snitch: EC2 region = DC, availability zone = rack
- Writes
- Client sends write to one coordinator node in Cassandra cluster
- Coordinator uses partitioner to send query to all replica nodes responsible for key
- When X replicas respond, coordinator returns an acknowledgment to the client
- X is specified by the client -- we'll come back to this later
- Hinted Handoff mechanism: If any replica is down, the coordinator writes to all other replicas, and keeps the write locally until down replica comes back up, when it sends a copy of that write. When all replicas are down, the coordinator buffers the write locally
- When a replica nodes receives a write
- Log it in disk commit log for failure recovery
- Make changes to appropriate memtables, in-memory representations of multiple key-value pairs. Memtables are flushed to disk when they are full/old.
- Data files: An SSTable (Sorted String Table), list of key-value pairs sorted by key
- Index file: An SSTable of (key, position in data SSTable) pairs
- Efficient search: Bloom filters!
- Bloom filters: Large bit maps
- Checking for existence in set is cheap
- Some probabilities of false positives (an item not in set reported as being in there -> incur a slight overhead for going into the SSTable), but never false negatives
- The bit map starts with all zeros. On insert, we use k hash functions to map a key to k indexes. Then, all hashed bits are set to 1 for those k indexes (if they hadn't been set already)
- Compaction
- Each server periodically merges SSTables by merging updates for a key
- Delete
- Instead of deleting right away, add a tombstone to the log, and eventually, it will be deleted by the compaction process
- Reads
- Coordinator contacts X replicas
- When X replicas respond, the coordinator returns the latest-timestamped value from those X replicas
- The coordinator also fetches values from other replicas
- This checks consistency in the background, initiating a read repair if any two values are different
- This mechanism seeks to eventually bring all replicas up-to-date
- A row may span across multiple SSTables -> reads need to touch multiple SSTables -> reads are slower than writes
- Membership
- Any server could be the coordinator -> every server needs to know about all the servers in the cluster, and the list of servers needs to be updated as servers join/leave/fail
- Cassandra uses gossip-style membership
- Suspicion mechanism: Sets timeouts on a server-by-server basis
- Reads/writes are orders of magnitudes faster than MySQL. But what did we lose?
- In a distributed system, at most two out of these three can be satisfied:
- Consistency: All nodes see the same data at any time/reads return the latest value written by any client
- Thousands of people booking the same flight
- Availability: The system allows operations all the time & operations return quickly
- Amazon: each extra ms of latency implies a $6M yearly loss
- Partition-tolerance: The system continues to work in spite of network partitions (within/across DCs)
- Consistency: All nodes see the same data at any time/reads return the latest value written by any client
- RDBMS provides ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
- KV Stores provides BASE: Basically Available Soft-state Eventual Consistency (prefers availability over consistency)
- In Cassandra, for each operation, a client is allowed to choose a consistency level
- ANY: Any server (may not be replica)
- Fastest (coordinator caches write & replies quickly)
- ALL: All replicas
- Strong consistency but slow
- ONE: At least one replica
- Faster than ALL but no failure tolerance (if all replica fails)
- QUORUM: Quorum across all replicas in all DCs
- Quorum = majority (>50%)
- Any two quorums intersect
- Faster than ALL while still guaranteeing strong consistency
- More quorum-related
- ANY: Any server (may not be replica)
- Quorum (N = total number of replicas)
- Read consistency level: R <= N, coordinator waits for R replicas to respond before sending result to client, while in background, coordinator checks for consistency of remaining (N-R) replicas
- Write consistency level: W <= N. Two flavors: (1) Coordinator blocks until quorum is reached, (2) Async: just write and return
- For strong consistency:
- W + R > N (write & read quorums intersect in at least one server among replicas of a key)
- W > N / 2 (two write quorums ..., which keeps the latest value of the write)
- Cassandra offers eventual consistency: If writes to a key stop, all replicas of key will converge
- Per-key sequential: Per key, all operations have a global order
- CRDT: Commutative Replicated Data Types, commutated writes give same result
- Servers do not need to worry about consistency/ordering
- Red-Blue: Rewrites client operations and split them into red/blue ops
- Red ops: Need to be executed in the same order at each DC
- Blue ops: Can be commutated in any order across DCs
- Casual: Reads must respect partial order based on information flow
- Strong consistency models: Linearizability/Sequential consistency
- API functions
- Get/Put (row)
- Scan (row range, filter) - range queries
- MultiPut
- Prefers consistency over availability (unlike Cassandra)
- HBase uses write-ahead log (before writing to memstore) to ensure strong consistency
- Cross-datacenter replication: Single master + other slave clusters replicate the same tables
- Time synchronization is required for both correctness and fairness
- Challenges
- End hosts in Internet-based systems like clouds have their own clocks
- Processes in Internet-based systems follow an asynchronous system model (no bounds on message delays/processing delays)
- Clock skew/drift: Relative difference in clock values/frequencies of two processes
- MDR: Maximum Drift Rate of a clock. Between any pair of clocks, given a max acceptable skew M, need to synchronize every M / (2 * MDR) time units
- Consider a group of processes:
- External synchronization: Each process's clock is within a bound D of a well-known external clock (e.g., UTC)
- Internal synchronization: Every pair of processes have clocks within bound D
- External sync. within D implies internal sync. within 2D
- Process P synchronizes with a time server S
- Problem: Time response message is inaccurate, the inaccuracy being a function of message latencies (and since latencies are unbounded, the inaccuracy cannot be bounnded)
- Cristian's Algorithm measures the RTT of message exchanges
- The actual time at P when it receives response is between
[t + min2, t + RTT - min1]
- min1 = P -> S latency, min2 = S -> P latency
- Cristian's Algorithm sets its time to
t + (RTT + min2 - min1) / 2
(halfway through this interval)- Error is now bounded, being at most
(RTT - min2 + min1) / 2
- Error is now bounded, being at most
- NTP = Network Time Protocol
- Each client is a leaf of the tree, each node synchronizes with its parent
- Suppose child is ahead of parent by oreal, and suppose one-way latency of message i is Li, and suppose offset
o = (tr1 - tr2 + ts2 - ts1) / 2
, thentr1 = ts1 + L1 + oreal
tr2 = ts2 + L2 - oreal
- Then,
oreal = o + (L2 - L1) / 2
, and then, |oreal - o| < |(L2 - L1) / 2| < |(L2 + L1) / 2|
, making the error bounded by RTT
- Can we avoid clock synchronization and still be able to order events?
- As long as timestamps obey causality, we can assign to events timestamps that are not absolute time
- Happens-before is denoted as ->
- Rules for assigning timestamps
- Each process uses a local counter that is initialized as 0
- A process increments its counter when a send/instruction happens
- A send(message) event carries its timestamp
- For a receive(message) event, the counter is updated by max(local clock, message timestamp) + 1
- To obey the causality order
- Lamport timestamps are not guaranteed to be ordered or unequal for concurrent events
E1 -> E2
impliestimestamp(E1) < timestamp(E2)
timestamp(E1) < timestamp(E2)
implies{E1 -> E2} OR {E1 and E2 are concurrent}
- Can we tell if two events are concurrent or casually related? -> Vector clocks!
- N processes
- Each process uses a vector of integer clocks: Process i maintains
Vi[1, ..., N]
- jth element of vector clock at process i,
, is i's knowledge of latest events at process j - Rules for assigning vector timestamps
- On an instruction or send event at process i, it increments only the ith element of its vector clock
- Each message carries the send event's vector timestamp
- When process i receives a message
Vi[i] += 1
Vi[j] = max(Vmessage[j], Vi[j]) for j != i
- Casually-related:
VT1 = VT2
iffVT1[i] = VT2[i]
for all i = 1, ..., NVT1 <= VT2
iffVT1[i] <= VT2[i]
for all i = 1, ..., N- Two events are casually related iff
VT1 < VT2
- i.e., iff
VT1 <= VT2
& there exists j such that1 <= j <= N & VT1[j] < VT2[j]
- i.e., iff
- Two events are concurrent iff
NOT(VT1 <= VT2) AND NOT (VT2 <= VT1)
- Denote as
VT1 ||| VT2
- Denote as