- Maintainer: RedBlizard
- Maintainer: rudy-in
- Devloper: syn606
- Developer:Trayambak Rai
- Developer: Oleksandr Macedonsky
- Developer: qt (name may change over time)
- Mentoring: joekamprad
- Contributor bitterhalt
Developer: bananabr34dDeveloper: Kainoa Kanter
Run hyprland_ISO_setup.sh after clonning the repository that will setup the whole thing of yours!
When you have installed EndeavourOS hyprland make sure to press Super + k
(For those who don't know super key is the windows key on your keyboard)

It will open a popup like this , navigate to Hyprland -> hyprland.conf , scroll down abit and you'll see the nvidia section.

Make sure to uncomment the required ENV lines and dont forget to place a comment in front of the following line #env=WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1 :)