This application is a practical part for the GraphQL webinar. It contains request specs for all queries and mutations. A part of requests has been implemented during the webinar. You should implement the rest of them.
bundle exec rspec
You can import requests into Insomina IDE by going into the preferences:
Application -> Preferences -> Data -> Import data.
Insomnia data file (Insomnia_GraphQL_Meetup.json
) is located in the root directory of this app.
Create env.*.local
files for development and test environments based on env.*.local.example
Run bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
to create the database and fill it with seeds if you are not using docker.
If you are using docker run docker-compose exec rails rake db:seed
Seed user account data:
password: password
Setup overcommit to run linters and udpate GraphQL schema automatically before every commit
Run EDITOR=nano bundle exec rails credentials:edit --environment test
and EDITOR=nano bundle exec rails credentials:edit --environment test
to edit credentials.
Note: This app was created for educational purposes. It contains development.key
and test.key
Always add your keys to .gitignore in real-life applications.
Run docker-compose up
(or docker-compose up --build
if you've done some changes) to run the app on port 3000.
To enter rails console the container run docker container exec -it graphql_meetup_rails_1 rails c
To stop the containers run docker-compose down
To stop the containers and remove volumes run docker-compose down --volumes