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New Operations Doc

Barrie Hadfield edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 13 revisions

title: Operations

Hyperloop Operations

This documentation will outline Hyperloop's Operations classes and provide you with enough information and examples to show you how to implement them in your application. It is important for the get-go to understand that Operations are packaged as one neat package but perform three different functions:

  • Function 1: Operations encapsulate business logic
  • Function 2: Operations can dispatch messages
  • Function 3: Operations can replace an API through a bi-directional RPC mechanism

Function 1: Operations encapsulate business logic

Operations encapsulate business logic. In a traditional MVC architecture, Operations end up either in Controllers, Models or some other secondary construct such as service objects, helpers, or concerns. Here they are first class objects. Their job is to mutate state in the Stores and Models.

An operation does the following things:

  1. receives incoming parameters, and does basic validations
  2. performs any further validations
  3. executes the operation
  4. dispatches to any listeners
  5. returns the value of the execution (step 3)

These are defined by series of class methods described below.

Operation Structure

  • Hyperloop::Operation is the base class for Operations.
  • An Operation orchestrates the updating of the state of your system.
  • An Operation can be used to encapsulate business logic
  • Operations can also wrap asynchronous operations such as HTTP API requests (we cover this later).
class LuckyDipOp < Hyperloop::Operation
   def check_usage_policy
     abort! if Discounter.tries > 2 # Discounter is a Store (defined elsewhere)
   step { check_usage_policy }
   step { Discounter.lucky_dip! }


Operations can take parameters when they are run. Parameters are described and accessed with the same syntax as HyperReact components.

The parameter filter types and options are taken from the Mutations gem with the following changes:

  • In Hyperloop::Operations all params are declared with the param macro.
  • The type can be specified using the type: option.
  • Array and hash types can be shortened to [] and {}
  • Optional params either have the default value associated with the param name, or by having the default option present.
  • All other Mutation filter options (such as :min) will work the same.
  # required param (does not have a default value)
  param :sku, type: String
  # equivalent Mutation syntax
  # required  { string :sku }

  # optional params (does have a default value)
  param qty: 1, min: 1
  # alternative syntax
  param :qty, default: 1, min: 1
  # equivalent Mutation syntax
  # optional { integer :qty, default: 1, min: 1 }

All incoming params are validated against the param declarations, and any errors are posted to the @errors instance variable. Extra params are ignored, but missing params unless they have a default value will cause a validation error.

Defining Execution Steps

Operations may define a sequence of steps to be executed when the operation is run, using the step, failed and async callback macros.

class Reset < Hyperloop::Operation
  step {'/logout') }
  • step: runs a callback - each step is run in order.
  • failed: runs a callback if a previous step or validation has failed.
  • async: will be explained below.
  step    {  } # do something
  step    {  } # do something else once above step is done
  failed  {  } # do this if anything above has failed
  step    {  } # do a third thing, unless we are on the failed track
  failed  {  } # do this if anything above has failed

Together step and failed form two railway tracks. Initially execution proceeds down the success track until something goes wrong, then execution switches to the failure track starting at the next failed statement. Once on the failed track execution continues performing each failed callback and skipping any step callbacks.

Failure occurs when either an exception is raised or a promise fails (more on this in the next section.) The Ruby fail keyword can be used as a simple way to switch to the failed track.

Both step and failed can receive any results delivered by the previous step. If the previous step raised an exception (outside a promise) the failure track will receive the exception object.

The callback may be provided to step and failed either as a block, a symbol (which will name a method), a proc, a lambda, or an Operation.

  step { puts 'hello' }
  step :say_hello
  step -> () { puts 'hello' }
  step { puts 'hello' }
  step SayHello # your params will be passed along to SayHello

FYI: You can also use the Ruby next keyword as expected to leave the current step and move to the next one.

Promises and Operations

Within the browser, code does not wait for asynchronous methods (such as HTTP requests or timers) to complete. Operations use Opal's Promise library to deal with these situations cleanly. A Promise is an object that has three states: It is either still pending, or has been rejected (i.e. failed), or has been successfully resolved. A promise can have callbacks attached to either the failed or resolved state, and these callbacks will be executed once the promise is resolved or rejected.

If a step or failed callback returns a pending promise then the execution of the operation is suspended, and the Operation will return the promise to the caller. If there is more track ahead, then execution will resume on the next step when the promise is resolved. Likewise if the pending promise is rejected execution will resume on the next failed callback. Because of the way promises work, the operation steps will all be completed before the resolved state is passed along to caller, so everything will execute in its original order.

Likewise the Operation's dispatch occurs when the promise resolves as well.

The async method can be used to override the waiting behavior. If a step returns a promise, and there is an async callback farther down the track, execution will immediately pick up at the async. Any steps in between will still be run when the promise resolves, but their results will not be passed outside of the operation.

These features make it easy to organize, understand and compose asynchronous code:

class AddItemToCart < Hyperloop::Operation
  step { HTTP.get('/inventory/#{params.sku}/qty') }
  # previous step returned a promise so next step
  # will execute when that promise resolves
  step { |response| fail if params.qty > response.to_i }
  # once we are sure we have inventory we will dispatch
  # to any listening stores.

Operations will always return a Promise. If an Operation has no steps that return a promise the value of the last step will be wrapped in a resolved promise. This lets you easily chain Operations, regardless of their internal implementation:

class QuickCheckout < Hyperloop::Operation
  param :sku, type: String
  param qty: 1, type: Integer, minimum: 1

  step { AddItemToCart(params) }
  step ValidateUserDefaultCC
  step Checkout

You can also use Promise#when if you don't care about the order of Operations

class DoABunchOStuff < Hyperloop::Operation
  step { Promise.when(, }
  # dispatch when both operations complete

Early Exits

In any step or failed callback, you may do an immediate exit from the Operation using the abort! and succeed! methods. The abort! method returns a failed Promise with any supplied parameters. The succeed! method does an immediate dispatch, and returns a resolved Promise with any supplied parameters. If succeed! is used in a failed callback, it will override the failed status of the Operation. This is especially useful if you want to dispatch in spite of failures:

class Pointless < Hyperloop::Operation
  step { fail }       # go to failure track
  failed { succeed! } # dispatch and exit


An Operation can also have a number of validate callbacks which will run before the first step. This is a handy place to put any additional validations. In the validate method you can add validation type messages using the add_error method, and these will be passed along like any other param validation failures.

class UpdateProfile < Hyperloop::Operation
  param :first_name, type: String  
  param :last_name, type: String
  param :password, type: String, nils: true
  param :password_confirmation, type: String, nils: true

  validate do
      "Your new password and confirmation do not match"
    ) unless params.password == params.confirmation

  # or more simply:

  add_error :password_confirmation, :doesnt_match, "Your new password and confirmation do not match" do
    params.password != params.confirmation


If the validate method returns a promise, then execution will wait until the promise resolves. If the promise fails, then the current validation fails.

You may also call abort! from within validate or add_error to immediately exit the Operation. Otherwise all validations will be run and collected together and the Operation will move onto the failed track. If abort! is called within an add_error callback the error will be added before aborting.

You can also raise an exception directly in validate if appropriate. If a Hyperloop::AccessViolation exception is raised the Operation will immediately abort, otherwise just the current validation fails.

If you want to avoid further validations if there are any failures in the basic parameter validations you can add do add this

  validate { abort! if has_errors? }

before the first validate or add_error call.

Handling Failed Operations

Because Operations always return a promise, you can use the Promise's fail method on the Operation's result to detect failures.

QuickCheckout(sku: selected_item, qty: selected_qty)
.then do
  # show confirmation
.fail do |exception|
  # whatever exception was raised is passed to the fail block

Failures to validate params result in Hyperloop::ValidationException which contains a Mutations error object. do |e|
  if e.is_a? Hyperloop::ValidationException
    e.errors.symbolic     # hash: each key is a parameter that failed validation,
                          # value is a symbol representing the reason
    e.errors.message      # same as symbolic but message is in English
    e.errors.message_list # array of messages where failed parameter is
                          # combined with the message

Running Operations

You can run an Operation by using ...

  • the Operation class name as a method:
  • the run method: ...params...
  • the then and fail methods, which will dispatch the operation and attach a promise handler:
MyOperation.then(...params...) { alert 'operation completed' }

Instance Versus Class Execution Context

Normally the Operation's steps are declared and run in the context of an instance of the Operation. An instance of the Operation is created, runs and is thrown away.

Sometimes it's useful to run a step (or other macro such as validate) in the context of the class. This is useful especially for caching values between calls to the Operation. You can do this by defining the steps in the class context, or by providing the option scope: :class to the step.

Note that the primary use should be in interfacing to outside APIs. Don't hide your application state inside an Operation - Move it to a Store.

class GetRandomGithubUser < Hyperloop::Operation
  def self.reload_users
    @promise = HTTP.get("{rand(500)}").then do |response|
      @users = response.json.collect do |user|
        { name: user[:login], website: user[:html_url], avatar: user[:avatar_url] }
  self.class.step do # as one big step
    return @users.delete_at(rand(@users.length)) unless @users.blank?
    reload_users unless @promise && @promise.pending?
    @promise.then { run }
# or
class GetRandomGithubUser < Hyperloop::Operation
  class << self # as 4 steps - whatever you like
    step  { succeed! @users.delete_at(rand(@users.length)) unless @users.blank? }
    step  { succeed! @promise.then { run } if @promise && @promise.pending? }
    step  { self.class.reload_users }
    async { @promise.then { run } }

An instance of the operation is always created to hold the current parameter values, dispatcher, etc. The first parameter to a class level step block or method (if it takes parameters) will always be the instance.

class Interesting < Hyperloop::Operation
  param :increment
  param :multiply
  outbound :result
  outbound :total
  step scope: :class { @total ||= 0 }
  step scope: :class { |op| op.params.result = op.params.increment * op.params.multiply }
  step scope: :class { |op| = (@total += op.params.result) }

The Boot Operation

Hyperloop includes one predefined Operation, Hyperloop::Application::Boot, that runs at system initialization. Stores can receive Hyperloop::Application::Boot to initialize their state. To reset the state of the application you can simply execute Hyperloop::Application::Boot

Function 2: Operations can dispatch messages

Flux and Operations

Hyperloop is a merger of the concepts of the Flux pattern, the Mutation Gem, and Trailblazer Operations.

We chose the name Operation rather than Action or Mutation because we feel it best captures all the capabilities of a Hyperloop::Operation. Nevertheless Operations are fully compatible with the Flux Pattern.

Flux HyperLoop
Action Hyperloop::Operation subclass
ActionCreator Hyperloop::Operation.step/failed/async methods
Action Data Hyperloop::Operation parameters
Dispatcher Hyperloop::Operation#dispatch method
Registering a Store Store.receives

In addition Operations have the following capabilities:
  • Can easily be chained because they always return promises.

  • Clearly declare both their parameters, and what they will dispatch.

  • Parameters can be validated and type checked.

  • Can run remotely on the server.

  • Can be dispatched from the server to all authorized clients.

  • Can hold their own state data when appropriate.

  • Operations serve the role of both Action Creators and Dispatchers described in the Flux architecture.

  • Operations also serve as the bridge between client and server. An operation can run on the client or the server, and can be invoked remotely.

Here is the simplest Operation:

class Reset < Hyperloop::Operation

To 'Reset' the system you would say

  Reset() # short for

Elsewhere your HyperStores can receive the Reset Dispatch using the receives macro:

class Cart < Hyperloop::Store
  receives Reset do
    mutate.items { |h, k| h[k] = 0 }

Note that multiple stores can receive the same Dispatch.

Dispatching With New Parameters

The dispatch method sends the params object on to any registered receivers. Sometimes it's useful to add additional outbound params before dispatching. Additional params can be declared using the outbound macro:

class AddItemToCart < Hyperloop::Operation
  param :sku, type: String
  param qty: 1, type: Integer, minimum: 1
  outbound :available

  step { HTTP.get('/inventory/#{params.sku}/qty') }
  step { |response| params.available = response.to_i }
  step { fail if params.qty > params.available }

Function 3: Operations can replace an API through a bi-directional RPC mechanism

Server Operations

Operations will run on the client or the server. Some Operations like ValidateUserDefaultCC probably need to check information server side, and make secure API calls to our credit card processor. Rather than build an API and controller to "validate the user credentials" you simply specify that the operation must run on the server by using the Hyperloop::ServerOp class.

class ValidateUserCredentials < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  param :acting_user
  add_error :acting_user, :no_valid_default_cc, "No valid default credit card" do

A Server Operation will always run on the server even if invoked on the client. When invoked from the client Server Operations will receive the acting_user param with the current value that your ApplicationController's acting_user method returns. Typically the acting_user method will return either some User model, or nil (if there is no logged in user.) Its up to you to define how acting_user is computed, but this is easily done with any of the popular authentication gems. Note that unless you explicitly add nils: true to the param declaration, nil will not be accepted.

Note regarding Rails Controllers: Hyperloop is quite flexible and rides along side Rails, without interfering. So you could still have your old controllers, and invoke them the "non-hyperloop" way by doing say an from the client, etc. Hyperloop adds a new mechanism for communicating between client and server called the Server Operation (which is a subclass of Operation.) A ServerOp has no implication on your existing controllers or code, and if used replaces controllers, and client side API calls. HyperModel is built on top of Rails ActiveRecord models, and Server Operations, to keep models in sync across the application. ActiveRecord models that are made public (by moving them to the hyperloop/models folder) will automatically be syncronized across the clients and the server (subject to permissions given in the Policy classes.) Like Server Operations, HyperModel completely removes the need to build controllers, and client side API code. However all of your current active record models, controllers will continue to work unaffected.

As shown above you can also define a validation to further insure that the acting user (with perhaps other parameters) is allowed to perform the operation. In the above case that is the only purpose of the Operation. Another typical use would be to make sure the current acting user has the correct role to perform the operation:

  validate { raise Hyperloop::AccessViolation unless params.acting_user.admin? }

You can bake this kind logic into a superclass:

class AdminOnlyOp < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  param :acting_user
  validate { raise Hyperloop::AccessViolation unless params.acting_user.admin? }

class DeleteUser < AdminOnlyOp
  param :user
  add_error :user, :cant_delete_user, "Can't delete yourself, or the last admin user" do
    params.user == params.acting_user || (params.user.admin? && AdminUsers.count == 1)

Because Operations always return a promise, there is nothing to change on the client to call a Server Operation. A Server Operation will return a promise that will be resolved (or rejected) when the Operation completes (or fails) on the server.

Isomorphic Operations

Unless the Operation is a Server Operation it will run where it was invoked. This can be handy if you have an Operation that needs to run on both the server and the client. For example, an Operation that calculates the customers discount will want to run on the client so the user gets immediate feedback, and then will be run again on the server when the order is submitted as a double check.

Keeping server code on the server

There are valid cases where you will not want your ServerOp's code to be on the client yet still be able to invoke a ServerOp from client or server code. Good reasons for this would include:

  • Security concerns where you would not want some part of your code on the client
  • Size of code, where there will be unnecessary code downloaded to the client
  • Server code using backticks (`) or the %x{ ... } sequence, both of which are interpreted on the client as escape to generate JS code.

To accomplish this, you wrap the server side implementation of the ServerOp in a RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' test which acts as a compiler directive so that this code is not compiled by Opal.

There are several strategies you can use to apply the RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' guard to your code.

# strategy 1:  guard blocks of code and declarations that you don't want to compile to the client
class MyServerOp < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  # stuff that is okay to compile on the client
  # ... etc
  unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal'
     # other code that should not be compiled to the client...
# strategy 2:  guard individual methods
class MyServerOp < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  # stuff that is okay to compile on the client
  # ... etc
  def my_secret_method
     # do something we don't want shown on the client
   end unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal'
# strategy 3:  describe class in two pieces
class MyServerOp < Hyperloop::ServerOp; end  # publically declare the operation
# provide the private implementation only on the server
class MyServerOp < Hyperloop::ServerOp
end unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal'

Here is a fuller example:

# app/hyperloop/operations/list_files.rb
class ListFiles < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  param :acting_user, nils: true
  param pattern: '*'
  step {  run_ls }

  # because backticks are interpreted by the Opal compiler as escape to JS, we
  # have to make sure this does not compile on the client
  def run_ls
    `ls -l #{params.pattern}`
  end unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal'

# app/hyperloop/components/app.rb
class App < Hyperloop::Component
  state files: []

  after_mount do
    @pattern = ''
    every(1) { @pattern).then { |files| mutate.files files.split("\n") } }

  render(DIV) do
    INPUT(defaultValue: '')
    .on(:change) { |evt| @pattern = }
    DIV(style: {fontFamily: 'Courier'}) do
      state.files.each do |file|
        DIV { file }

Dispatching From Server Operations

You can also broadcast the dispatch from Server Operations to all authorized clients. The dispatch_to will determine a list of channels to broadcast the dispatch to:

class Announcement < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  # no acting_user because we don't want clients to invoke the Operation
  param :message
  param :duration, type: Float, nils: true
  # dispatch to the builtin Hyperloop::Application Channel
  dispatch_to Hyperloop::Application

class CurrentAnnouncements < Hyperloop::Store
  state_reader all: [], scope: :class
  receives Announcement do
    mutate.all << params.message
    after(params.duration) { delete params.message } if params.duration
  def self.delete(message)
    mutate.all.delete message


As seen above broadcasting is done over a Channel. Any Ruby class (including Operations) can be used as class channel. Any Ruby class that responds to the id method can be used as an instance channel.

For example the User active record model could be a used as channel to broadcast to all users. Each user instance could also be a separate instance channel that would be used to broadcast to a specific user.

The purpose of having channels is to restrict what gets broadcast to who, therefore typically channels represent connections to

  • the application (represented by the Hyperloop::Application class)
  • or some function within the application (like an Operation)
  • or some class which is authenticated like a User or Administrator,
  • instances of those classes,
  • or instances of classes in some relationship - like a team that a user belongs to.

You create a channel by including the Hyperloop::Policy::Mixin, which gives you three class methods: regulate_class_connection always_allow_connection and regulate_instance_connections. For example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Hyperloop::Policy::Mixin
  regulate_class_connection { self }  
  regulate_instance_connection { self }

will attach the current acting user to the User channel (which is shared with all users) and to that user's private channel.

Both blocks execute with self set to the current acting user, but the return value has a different meaning. If regulate_class_connection returns any truthy value, then the class level connection will be made on behalf of the acting user. On the other hand if regulate_instance_connection returns an array (possibly nested) or Active Record relationship then an instance connection is made with each object in the list. So for example you could add:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many chat_rooms
  regulate_instance_connection { chat_rooms }
  # we will connect to all the chat room channels we are members of

Now if we want to broadcast to all users our Operation would have

  dispatch_to { User } # dispatch to the User class channel

or to send an announcement to a specific user

class PrivateAnnouncement < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  param :receiver
  param :message
  # dispatch_to can take a block if we need to
  # dynamically compute the channels
  dispatch_to { params.receiver }
  # somewhere else in the server
  PrivateAnnouncement(receiver: User.find_by_login(login), message: 'log off now!')

The above will work if PrivateAnnouncement is invoked from the server, but usually some other client would be sending the message so the operation could look like this:

class PrivateAnnouncement < Hyperloop::ServerOp
  param :acting_user
  param :receiver
  param :message
  validate { raise Hyperloop::AccessViolation unless params.acting_user.admin? }
  validate { params.receiver = User.find_by_login(receiver) }
  dispatch_to { params.receiver }

Now on the client we can say:

  PrivateAnnouncement(receiver: login_name, message: 'log off now!').fail do
    alert('message could not be sent')

and elsewhere in the client code we would have a component like this:

class Alerts < Hyperloop::Component
  include Hyperloop::Store::Mixin
  # for simplicity we are going to merge our store with the component
  state alert_messages: [] scope: :class
  receives PrivateAnnouncement { |params| mutate.alert_messages << params.message }
  render(DIV, class: :alerts) do
    UL do
      state.alert_messages.each do |message|
        LI do
          SPAN { message }
          BUTTON { 'dismiss' }.on(:click) { mutate.alert_messages.delete(message) }

This will (in only 28 lines of code)

  • associate a channel with each logged in user
  • invoke the PrivateAnnouncement Operation on the server (remotely from the client)
  • validate that there is a logged in user at that client
  • validate that we have a non-nil, non-blank receiver and message
  • validate that the acting_user is an admin
  • lookup the receiver in the database under their login name
  • dispatch the parameters back to any clients where the receiver is logged in
  • those clients will update their alert_messages state and
  • display the message

The dispatch_to callback takes a list of classes, representing Channels. The Operation will be dispatched to all clients connected on those Channels. Alternatively dispatch_to can take a block, a symbol (indicating a method to call) or a proc. The block, proc or method should return a single Channel, or an array of Channels, which the Operation will be dispatched to. The dispatch_to callback has access to the params object. For example we can add an optional to param to our Operation, and use this to select which Channel we will broadcast to.

class Announcement < Hyperloop::Operation
  param :message
  param :duration
  param to: nil, type: User
  # dispatch to the Users channel only if specified otherwise announcement is application wide
  dispatch_to { || Hyperloop::Application }

Defining Connections in ServerOps

The policy methods always_allow_connection and regulate_class_connection may be used directly in a ServerOp class. This will define a channel dedicated to that class, and will also dispatch to that channel when the Operation completes.

class Announcement < HyperLoop::ServerOp
  # all clients will have a Announcement Channel which will
  # receive all dispatches from the Annoucement Operation
class AdminOps < HyperLoop::ServerOp
  # subclasses can be invoked from the client if an admin is logged in
  # and all other clients that have a logged in admin will receive the dispatch
  regulate_class_connection { acting_user.admin? }
  param :acting_user
  validate { param.acting_user.admin? }

Regulating Dispatches in Policy Classes

Regulations and dispatch lists can be grouped and specified in Policy files, which are by convention kept in the Rails app/policies directory.

# app/policies/announcement_policy.rb
class AnnouncementPolicy
  dispatch_to { params.acting_user }

# app/policies/user_policy.rb
class UserPolicy
  regulate_instance_connection { self }


If you need to control serialization and deserialization across the wire you can define the following class methods:

def self.serialize_params(hash)
  # receives param_name -> value pairs
  # return an object ready for to_json
  # default is just return the input hash

def self.deserialize_params(object)
  # recieves whatever was returned from serialize_to_server
  # (param_name => value pairs by default)
  # must return a hash of param_name => value pairs
  # by default this returns object

def self.serialize_response(object)
  # receives the object ready for to_json
  # by default this returns object

def self.deserialize_response(object)
  # receives whatever was returned from serialize_response
  # by default this returns object

def self.serialize_dispatch(hash)
  # input is always key - value pairs
  # return an object ready for to_json
  # default is just return the input hash

def self.deserialize_dispatch(object)
  # recieves whatever was returned from serialize_to_server
  # (param_name => value pairs by default)
  # must return a hash of param_name => value pairs
  # by default this returns object

Accessing the Controller

ServerOps the ability to receive the "controller" as a param. This is handy for low-level stuff (like login) where you need access to the controller. There is a subclass of ServerOp called ControllerOp that simply declares this param and will delegate any controller methods to the controller param. So within a ControllerOp if you say session you will get the session object from the controller.

Here is a sample of the SignIn operation using the Devise Gem:

class SignIn < Hyperloop::ControllerOp
  param :email
  inbound :password
  add_error(:email, :does_not_exist, 'that login does not exist') { !(@user = User.find_by_email( }
  add_error(:password, :is_incorrect, 'password is incorrect') { !@user.valid_password?(params.password)  }
 # no longer have to do this step { params.password = nil }
  step { sign_in(:user, @user)  }

You will notice in the code above that we have another parameter type in ServerOps, called inbound, which will not get dispatched.

Broadcasting to the current_session

Let's say you would like to be able to broadcast to the current session. For example, after the user signs in we want to broadcast to all the browser windows the user happens to have open, so they can update.

For this, we have a current_session method in the ControllerOp that you can dispatch to.

class SignIn < Hyperloop::ControllerOp
  param :email
  inbound :password
  add_error(:email, :does_not_exist, 'that login does not exist') { !(@user = User.find_by_email( }
  add_error(:password, :is_incorrect, 'password is incorrect') { !@user.valid_password?(params.password)  }
  step { sign_in(:user, @user)  }
  dispatch_to { current_session }

The Session channel is special so to attach to the application to it you would say in the top level component:

class App < Hyperloop::Component
  after_mount :connect_session
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