{ Ruby On Rails }, { hyperloop GEM }
To set up the Hyperloop GEM onto the Ruby On Rails environment, please follow the
We are going to setup the Webpacker GEM and implement a simple HelloWorld app to show how Hyperloop and webpack are running well together.
You can find the final application source code here:
Working knowledge of Rails and Hyperloop required
Update your Gemfile file:
gem 'webpacker'
Then run:
bundle update
Run the webpacker install generator:
bin/rails webpacker:install
Webpacker GEM comes with the the YARN package manager in order to install needed libraries.
We are going to install 4 libraries required by our application: React, React-dom, Bootstrap and Bootswatch theme.
Run these commands:
yarn add react
yarn add react-dom
yarn add bootstrap react-bootstrap
yarn add bootswatch
In the app/javascript/packs
add the following two files:
ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
React = require('react');
ReactBootstrap = require('react-bootstrap');
React and ReactDOM are being brought in by Hyperloop, so we need to let Webpack know that these libraries are external so we do not end up with more than one copy of React running. Note that you will also need to do this for your production environment.
In the module.export
block, add the following to development.js
externals: {
"react": "React",
"react-dom": "ReactDOM"
You will need to do this step whenever you make any changes to Webpack or add additional libraries though Yarn.
Run the following commands in your console:
rm -rf tmp/cache/
rake environment
Note in the above, you should always delete your cache before building your webpack assets. rake environment
will recompile Hyperloop.
In the future, when you will add a new library with webpack, it can happen that it is not correctly loaded. So, in this case, we advise to delete the node_modules
directory, re-install libraires, re-generate the webpack file and clear Hyperloop cache and browser cache:
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf tmp/cache
Clear Browser cache
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('public', 'packs').to_s
By using the Hyperloop configuration file we can directly tell our app to include the pack files in the asset pipeline:
Hyperloop.configuration do |config|
config.transport = :simple_poller
config.import 'client_and_server'
config.import 'client_only', client_only: true
In Rails production mode it would be necessary to include the pack files in your application main layout:
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'client_and_server' %>
Add this line:
*= require client_only.css
Note: if you prefer that your CSS pack files being directly packed into the client_only.js
you can modify the config/webpack/
config files and run the rm -rf tmp/cache/; bin/webpack; rake environment
Run the hyperloop generator:
rails g hyper:component Helloworld
You can view the new Component created in /app/hyperloop/components/
Copy and paste this code into the component file you've just generated:
class Helloworld < Hyperloop::Component
state show_field: false
state field_value: ""
render(DIV) do
DIV(class: 'formdiv') do
H1 { "#{state.field_value}" }
end if state.show_field
def show_button
BUTTON(class: 'btn btn-info') do
state.show_field ? "Click to hide HelloWorld input field" : "Click to show HelloWorld input field"
end.on(:click) { mutate.show_field !state.show_field }
def show_input
H4 do
span{'Please type '}
span.colored {'Hello World'}
span{' in the input field below :'}
br {}
span{'Or anything you want (^̮^)'}
INPUT(type: :text, class: 'form-control').on(:change) do |e|
state.field_value! e.target.value
def show_text
H1 { "#{state.field_value}" }
Create a home_controller.rb
file, manually or with the command rails g controller Home helloworld --skip-javascripts
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def helloworld
root 'home#helloworld'
<div class="hyperloophelloword">
<%= react_component '::Helloworld', {}, { prerender: true } %>
We will add a Hyperloop logo
<div class="hyperloophelloword">
<img src="https://rawgit.com/ruby-hyperloop/hyperloop-js-helloworld/master/hyperloop-logo-medium-white.png?raw=true">
<%= react_component '::Helloworld', {}, { prerender: true } %>
And load 1 small sample stylesheet :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://rawgit.com/ruby-hyperloop/hyperloop-js-helloworld/master/style.css" >
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<%= yield %>
Start your Rails server and browse http://localhost:3000
You can find the final application source code here:
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