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File metadata and controls

366 lines (262 loc) · 11.1 KB



Java Spring service that connects wallets and other 3rd party applications, configurations for node setup with Core rubix framework.

Platform is accesible via REST APIs in localhost:1898.

Building from Source

Rubix Platform is the Spring API project which uses RubixCoreJava and DIDRef to run the network. To build the source, you need to download the RubixCoreJava and DIDRef repositories. Then, you need to build the RubixCoreJava and DIDRef java libraries. Install the dependencies by running the following mvn commmand with different versions of the dependencies. Update the versions in the pom.xml file to match the versions of the dependencies. Then, you need to build the RubixPlatform.jar file using mvn package command.

RUBIX JAR build setup 

mvn install:install-file \
   -Dfile=/<path to jar>/core-java.jar \
   -DgroupId=com.rubix.core \
   -DartifactId=rubix \
   -Dversion=10.1-creditSecurity \
   -Dpackaging=jar \

DID Ref build setup

mvn install:install-file \
   -Dfile=/<path to jar>/did-java.jar \
   -DgroupId=com.did.core \
   -DartifactId=did \
   -Dversion=10.1-mainnet \
   -Dpackaging=jar \

In platform-java repo:

mvn clean


mvn package

Rubix API Calls

DID Creation

Creates a unique Decentralized IDentity

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1898/create' --form 'data="Rubik"' --form 'image=@"imagepath"'

Image needed to create Decetralized ID

While creating a new DID, user has to provide any 256x256 PNG format image as a parameter along with a Passphrase string. Private Key, Wallet ID and DID are generated using this image and passphrase.

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: data(String) and [256x256] image(Multipart File) Returns: DID (String)

Initial Setup

Does the initial setup of IPFS and syncing the network nodes

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET 'http://localhost:1898/start'

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: nill

Transfer Tokens

Transfers token(s) from one wallet address to another

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/initiateTransaction --data '{ "receiver": "<receiver DID here>", "tokenCount":1, "comment":"transaction comments", "type":1}' 

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: receiver (String), tokenCount (Integer), comment (String) Returns: Transaction ID (String), Success / Failure (Boolean), DID (String)

Commit File Blocks

Commit a file block to quorum members for storage

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/initiateTransaction --data '{ "blockHash": "<block hash file contains IPFS hash of all metadata to be pinned by quorum>", "comment":"transaction comments", "type":1}' 

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: blockHash (String), comment (String) Condition: Sender should have atleast one valid Rubix Token in the wallet Returns: Transaction ID (String), Success / Failure (Boolean), DID (String)

Validate File Blocks

Validate files stored by quorum members

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/verifyBlock --data '{ "blockHash": "445f59c3d71c6769124470cf4b82ca0b9b1626aec4f14f50a8f1e6a13e1fc70d"}'

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: blockHash (String) Condition: Given block file hash should be already commited for validation before. Returns: Hash of each input file given in blockHash file and number of validators storing it in blockchain, Success / Failure (Boolean)

Account Information

Retrieves the user account details

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/getAccountInfo

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: DID (String), WalletID (String), TransactionAsSender (Integer), TransactionAsReceiver (Integer), Balance (Integer)

Get Transaction Details with Transaction ID

Details of a particular transaction like Quorum involved, token transferred, receiver details, time and more

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST  http://localhost:1898/getTxnDetails --data '{"transactionID": "e76547ab5f3b08bd42e0e6b2b9996a81ca4481e2554eb28e20ef09b636474des"}'

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: transactionID (String) Returns: senderDID(String), role(String), totalTime(Integer), quorumLGMT(ArrayList[String]), tokens(ArrayList), comment(String), txn(String), essentialShare(String), receiverDID(String), Date(Date)

Get Transaction Details with Date

Retrieves the details of all the transactions committed during the specified period

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/getTxnByDate --data-raw '{"sDate":"Wed Jun 09 12:56:04 AST 2021",
"eDate":"Wed Jun 09 12:57:58 AST 2021"}'

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: sDate (String), eDate (String) Returns: senderDID(String), role(String), totalTime(Integer), quorumLGMT(ArrayList[String]), tokens(ArrayList), comment(String), txn(String), essentialShare(String), receiverDID(String), Date(Date)

Get Transaction Details with Comment

Retrieves the details of all the transactions committed with the specified comment

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/getTxnByComment --data '{"comment":"First"}'

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: comment (String) Returns: senderDID(String), role(String), totalTime(Integer), quorumLGMT(ArrayList[String]), tokens(ArrayList), comment(String), txn(String), essentialShare(String), receiverDID(String), Date(Date)

Get Transaction Details with Count

Retrieves the last specified count of transactions committed

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/getTxnByCount --data '{"txnCount" : 3}' 

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: count (Integer) Returns: senderDID(String), role(String), totalTime(Integer), quorumLGMT(ArrayList[String]), tokens(ArrayList), comment(String), txn(String), essentialShare(String), receiverDID(String), Date(Date)

Get Transaction Details with User's DID

Retrieves all the transactions made with the input DID

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/getTxnByDID
 --data '{"did" : "QmdkrLpyoGFrhsbeuZrXpcvr2QRsLuQnrbXVfJTe1yXqzy"}' 

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: did (String) Returns: List of all transactions and its details made with the did

Get Transaction Details by Range

Retrieves all the transactions made with the input DID

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/getTxnByRange --data-raw '{"startRange":1, "endRange":4}'

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: startRange(int), endRange(int) Returns: List of all transactions and its details within a range bound

Get Transaction Header Details

Summarize transaction information

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET 'http://localhost:1898/getTransactionHeader'

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: spentCredits(int), unspentCredits(int), txnCount(int), maxCredits(int)

List of Tokens

Lists out all the tokens available in the user's wallet

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/viewTokens

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: List of Tokens (JSONObject)

List of Peers Online

Lists all your contacts currently available online

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/getOnlinePeers

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: List of objects: did(String), online/offline

View Contacts

Lists all contacts in your addressbook

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/getContactsList

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: List of objects: did(String), nickname(String)

View Network Nodes

Lists all the nodes in the network

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/getNetworkNodes

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: List of DIDs

View Network Nodes

Add an easier and convinient name to your contacts

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1898/addNickName' --form 'did="QmaGVzjsv4JnQSRdmCfWeMaBPiCTDf8y6scHNfmkRmEfc0"' --form 'nickname="User123"'

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: Confirmation message

Details for Dashboard

Lists all required details of user's wallet

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/getDashboard

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: totalTxns(Integer), WalletID(String), balance(Integer), , receiverTxns(Integer), senderTxns(Integer), contactsCount(Integer), onlinePeers(Integer), transactionsPerDay(List), did(String)

Close Streams

To close all the streams open

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/p2pClose

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: nill

Synchronise Network Nodes

To synchronize the DIDs of the systems, so that the node will have an updated list of all the DIDs in the network.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/sync

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: nill Returns: nill

View bootstraps

View list of bootstraps connected to the node

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET http://localhost:1898/bootstrap

Request Type: GET Port: 1898 Input: Null Returns: Response (String)

Add bootstrap

Add bootstrap id to the boostrap list

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/bootstrap?id=<bootstrap-id>

Request Type: POST Port: 1898 Input: Bootstrap ID Returns: Response (String)

Remove bootstrap

Remove boostrap id from the boostrap list

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request DELETE http://localhost:1898/bootstrap?id=<bootstrap-id>

Request Type: DELETE Port: 1898 Input: Bootstrap ID Returns: Response (String)